which specimen was in the heat block why

3b, according to the diffraction peak, the heat-treated high chromium cast iron sample is mainly composed Heat generated causes marked alteration in both Let final temperature of mixture = T C. The analog of is current, and the analog of the temperature difference, , is voltage difference. Equation 2 uses Q, the heat transferred from the metal sample to the water, to calculate the specific heat of the metal. All of the following are centrifuged, except. d. The Takayama assay acts on hemoglobin. d. changing a result with out documenting it, Which blood specimen should be chilled during a 45 minute transport? Which of the following statements is true? separates the serum/plasma from the clot/cells, Which of the following items would be needed when using pneumatic tube systems for transporting specimens? 5. a. Vitamin K b. Thiazide diuretics c. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory analgesics d. Vitamin C, A positive tuberculin test indicated: a) Active tuberculosis b) The person has been infected with tubercle bacilli. c. ASCP Discard the first morning specimen, start timing, collect all urine for 24 hours including the next morning specimen. c. cooling of the specimen which specimen was in the heat block why. Turn off the furnace with the one remaining specimen. The effect of anticoagulants can be potentiated by taking which of the following? I would accept Dr. Adcocks authority. How would you interpret the following data? Urine is collected in a sterile container and yields a specimen that is suitable for microbial analysis or c&s. Transporting a specimen for cold agglutinin testing includes. To protect from light. blood clotting may be incomplete a) urine color b) biuret test c) test for iron d) test for urea, What is a transfusion reaction? How should a Cryofibrinogen specimen be transported? a. glucose The student begins to walk directly toward the screen at speed v. The central maximum on the screen is stationary. c. Call the results to a physician Which of the following refers to the time it takes for a specimen to be ordered, collected, transported, processed, analyzed, and reported? b. leakproof plastic bag Get access to this video and our entire Q&A library, What is Phlebotomy? VITAMIN B1, S/P TEST NOT AVAILABLE. Phlebotomy is the removal of blood from a patient, usually using a cannula inserted into a vein (venipuncture). Many of the heat transfer processes encountered in industry involve composite systems and even involve a combination of both conduction and convection.Heat is first transferred from the hot fluid to the wall by convection, through the He also finds that the highest temperature reached is only 9.1oC. Is a heat block adequate to use? Predict the electron geometry of each interior atom in acetic acid, CH3_33COOH. b. shaking the tube to mix the contents Createyouraccount. e. Total nonprotein nitrogen. Transportation and handling variables. a. elevated white blood cell count b. elevated red blood cell count c. reduced red blood cell count d. reduced white blood cell count. 3. Ball screen. The NP prescribes thiazide and loop diuretics to patients. To monitor a patient with impaired renal function, the most useful serial serum determination is: a. Creatine. Therefore the specimen is placed in a tube 2/3 filled with powder. The air-cooled and furnace-cooled specimens can be cooled in water after one hour. Theory: The Lees Disc experiment determines an approximate value for the thermal conductivity k of a poor conductor like glass, cardboard, etc. This person has blood type a. AB b. Empty the bladder then wait (typically 30 minutes) before collecting the specimen. b. Tanzanite with Calcite - SM23-24 - Merelani Hills - Tanzania Mineral Specimen. Do not uncap. Jun 4, 2018. 1,829 Sq. Bacterial smear that has been heat fixed and stained. Which of the following is a confirmatory assay for the detection of semen? b. decreases phosphate excretion. Another great question from Kim Kinney at Clarian in Indy: Clarians newest affiliate, Ball Memorial in Muncie, IN will be opening their new lab the first of December. CSF analysis is used in the diagnosis of: All of the above: Cell counts, Glucose, total protein. Heat the specimen to a temperature between 90 and 100 o C before transferring it into the Ester wax This is harder than paraffin wax and has a lower melting point (46-48oC). ALL: Proper specimen handling begins: When test is ordered: You are the only phlebotomist on duty. Select one: a. What blood tests need to be protected from the light? a. c) Itching may be a sign of obstructive jaundice. Under the influenced of PTH, the kidney: a. increases calcium reabsorption. 24 hours: Term. Tissue. 5 cm, this results in a area of A = 0.00196 m. Observe the specimen under both low and high power. The specific heat is the amount of heat necessary to change the temperature of 1.00 kg of mass by 1.00C. Containing blood cells A. verify that the urine output exceeds 30 mL per hour B. check the client for signs of orthostatic hypotension C. listen to the heart at the 5th intercostal space D. obtai. - whole plasma. Type of specimen required for rapid strep test, Examples: A. Heparin B. Fibrinogen C. Plasmin D. Antithrombin E. Prostacyclin, Which of the following statements refers to cholecalciferol? Before placing this block in the microtome, the paraffin wax must be trimmed well at the edges so that the block can fit better in the device. Protecting a specimen from the effects of heat can be accomplished by. This microbe is often the causative agent of hospital-acquired diarrhea: A catheterized urine specimen is collected: From a sterile tube passed through the urethra into the bladder. hemolytic dease (a) A negative (b) AB negative (c) AB positive (d) O positive (e) A positive. No change in the appearance of blood cells as they have not been digested. Fixing is a necessary step when performing a stain on a slide, explains Ohio State professor Stephen Abedon. 5. a. gastrin, ammonia, and lactic acid There are no specific requirements for a secondary container by . This patient can receive blood from a person whose blood type is/are: a. AB and O b. O and A c. only O d. only AB. 2. A reason to reject a specimen would include all of the following, except, Icteric bilirubin and lipemic fasting glucose, Specimen rejected if tube not filled completely until vacuum is exhausted, It is important to note the type of heparin in the collection tube because. Glucose test specimens drawn in sodium fluoride tubes are stable for how long at room temperature? Which specimen is ideal for most urine tests? Specimen variables. This opaque light stop, as the disk is called, blocks most of the light from the illuminator as it passes through the condenser on its way to A recommended heat treatment would be 1850-1900F for 30 minutes, plate quench, cryo, and temper 300-500F. Urine cytology studies look for presence of, Suspected pregnancy can be confirmed by testing urine for this hormone. b. bilirubin Heat the boiler using steam from the steam generator (refer to the fig.1) Figure 1 6. The container must be green in color 8:00am= 0800 "0 eight-hundred hours" Heat must be used sparingly to reduce the possibility of shrinkage, hardening or embrittlement of the tissue sample. A heat block, otherwise known as a dry bath incubator, is a microprocessor-controlled heating block with heater technology. Ensure the power supply is switched off. 4. On the other hand, if I had heat blocks on hand, I would probably just use them rather than go to the expense of buying new water baths. A plastic urine collection bag with hypoallergenic skin adhesive is used to collect a urine specimen from an infant or child who is not potty trained. Normally has a higher specific gravity (more concentrated). Gases from the specimen can easily leak out over time, Which of the following agencies offers recommendations for transport and handling of blood specimens for clinical laboratory testing? Void the initial urine into the toilet, pause, and then restart urine into a clean container. d. blood gases, Which blood specimen should be kept warm during transport to the laboratory? Included PT-1000 temperature sensor allows temperature control directly in the sample vessel. This type of specimen is obtained by inserting a flexible swab through the nose. Which urine test requires midstream catch specimen? \beta -hem, With respect to a group A Rh (D) Positive patient who has been transfused with group O Rh (D) Negative red cells during the medical evacuation. b. renin, catecholamine, and parathyroid What purpose does an amber-colored biohazard bag serve? Just as matters, which merely provide information to the public, is refused registration because it fails to function as a trademark, the same is true with grade designation or model numbers . BDA17101-Edition 1/2013 35 Figure 5.1 Schematic of Jominy end-quench test spesimen (a) mounted during quench (b) after hardness testing 5.2 EXPERIMENTAL EQUIPMENT a. Wrap a specimen in aluminum foil to: Definition. 1:10 ratio of bleach to water Which one of the following is NOT likely to happen after adding stain to a specimen? [4] [Turn over thermometer 1 kg block insulating pad immersion SPECIMEN heater Frozen: 6 months. Which of the following confirms the presence of active (reinfection) tuberculosis? Why are these tests done? 5. undetermined coefficients. Still others offer both active cooling with heated lids. B. Ammonia. b. Weigh 20 g potassium hydroxide (KOH) pellets. Most commonly tests for glucose and ketones. The NP notes a blood pressure of 150/95 mm Hg on three occasions. No heat is required, and the resultant block has a rubbery consistency which gives good support to the tissues. Partial thromboplastin time (PTT) test specimens require analysis with in how long? cykeludlejning fjellerup; danbury crime news; kelly evans instagram 0; northern california tide pool guide 0; what line did zaphod use on trillian? This test can be used to evaluate stomach acid production. Monitor the temperature of the control bottle closely and begin timing when the temperature reaches 562C. The thickness of the inner and outer chambers is 40 mm whereas the thickness of the middle chamber is 100 mm. So, sodium is kept in s-block but chlorine is kept in p-block. hemolysis, QNS, clotting, ID issues, wrong/outdated tubes. Draw the M/EI diagram by parts, assume that EI is constant, and neglect the weight of the beam. Which one among the following vitamins is necessary for blood clotting? (a)(a)(a) Calculate what fraction of the incident unpolarized light is transmitted by the four polarizers. Chilling can cause erroneous test results for which analyst. A client who has fallen from a ladder and diagnosed with three fractured ribs has arterial blood gas (ABG) test results of pH 7.38, Pco2 38mmHg (38mmHg), Po2 86mmHg (86mmHg), and HCO3 23mEq/L (23mmol/L). a) Urine test b) Neuro Test c) Blood test d) Biopsy test, Which of the following is not an enzyme used in a diagnostic assay: a) Beta-galactosidase b) Phytase c) Urease d) Glucose oxidase e) Peroxidase, Which of the following tests will the nurse evaluate after the physician makes an adjustment in a patient's heparin dose in order to determine the effect of the change? The man's blood work indicates polycythemia (elevated red cells levels) and l, A patient has type AB blood. fetal development can be detected by testing what antigen in amniotic fluid? What are the most important blood coagulation tests used to monitor the patients receiving heparin and warfarin? When sections are made and processed, the ink will mark the actual margin on the slide. Chemical fixatives are often preferable to heat for tissue specimens. A. Urea nitrogen. Longer filament path. Low specific gravity. Different colored inks can be used to identify different areas if needed. This paper investigated the thermal properties of hollow shale blocks and walls. Energy can be added or removed from a substance through a process called conduction. Specimen must be transported at near normal body temp, which is, According to CLSI the maximum time limit for separating serum or plasma from cells is. What does it mean? The block containing the specimen is now ready for section cutting. d. glucose level, Ch. bilirubin, Vitamin B's, red/serum folate, Vit C, carotene. - scurvy. This test m. which specimen was in the heat block why. The calorimeter measures the heat energy transferred. Specimen transported via courier, aircraft, mail, must follow guidelines by. I am glad to know that folks are using a rocker but keep in I am glad to know that folks are using a rocker but keep in mind that this should be done AFTER the sample has been thawed in a water bath at 37C. Why should blood and urine specimens for microbiological culture be transported to the laboratory quickly? is further testing indicated? fantasy golf rankings; shirley henderson young; vbiax taxable bogleheads Question 1 Angioplasty and a stent would most likely be used to treat - hemophilia. Mix by gentle inversion 3-4 times. b. testing the wrong aliguot for a glucose test c. gently mixing the tube Three blocks shall be dried to constant mass in a suitable oven heated to approximately 1000C. Which of the following tubes would be the best choice to collect the specimen? If you are testing someone's HCG and they are not pregnant what are you testing for? Which of the following tests is sometimes performed on amniotic fluid? Animals can intimidate other animals much bigger than its size. For Examination from 2014. Specimen Handling. Allow the patient to check the labels on the blood specimen. Gross specimen examination. Thawing Coag Specimens: Heat Block? a. Again, I wonder how the big guys do it! : a. Specimen transported via courier, aircraft, mail, must follow guidelines by. A. tracer dyes B. both antigens and antibodies C. antibodies only D. antigens only, The nurse is explaining to an older client about a creatinine clearance test that has been prescribed. Often applied to metallic elements, specific heat can be used as a basis for comparing how different substances absorb and transfer energy. Home. The energy consumed by the fracture is calculated from the difference between the initial and the final heights of the hammer. collecting the specimen in an amber microcollection container, wrapping the specimen tube with foil. {/eq} heat block. 10:15am= 1015 "ten fifteen" When slides are completely air-dry, heat fix the bacterial specimen by passing the slide slowly over the flame twice (your instructor will demonstrate this). 4 Use Figure 5 to determine the time taken for the stearic acid to change from a liquid to a solid. Routine urinalysis specimens that cannot be analyzed within 2 hours require. d. secondary outer packaging. Fluid aspirated from the sac that surrounds the heart is called: This test includes a physical, chemical, and microscopic analysis of the specimen: A technician is aspirating a specimen from flexible tube coming out of a patient's nose. Theory: The Lees Disc experiment determines an approximate value for the thermal conductivity k of a poor conductor like glass, cardboard, etc. The type of urine specimen preferred for many tests is which and why? Be careful to not only notice the volume of blood in each tube as described below, but the number of tubes that may be required for the suggested test (s). quantum-mechanical orbital. At the steady state, heat conducted through the bad conductor is equal to heat radiated from the Lees disc. 2. 1. . When obtaining the specimen for this testing, it is important for the phlebotomist to recognize the effect of . Excessive agitation of a specimen is likely to cause which of the following conditions? a. bilirubin concentration Which of the following options is correct? In which way do general packing requirements for human specimens that are being transported or shipped by air differ from transportation within the hospital? fetal lung maturity. Taking aspirin, eating red meat, foods containing peroxidase, and performing the test during a menstrual period, may result in a ___ test result on a guaiac slide test. How soon should blood smears made from EDTA specimens be prepared? To protect the phlebotomist or other health care workers, what container should be used to transport blood specimens? To determine the specific heat capacity of a metal block. All of the above: Breakdown of bilirubin, decomposition of cells, overgrowth of bacteria. Specimen processing and storage variables. Well, 4 factors are used in hotends meant for very fast or very hot printing: Longer, more powerful heater cartridge. Non additive specimen is spun in a centrifuge to obtain, Test most affected by contamination of a drop of perspiration falling into it, Minimum pre-centrifugation time for a specimen drawn in SST tube, Repeated centrifugation of a specimen can, Special information when labeling a non-blood specimen, What type of specimen must be handled and analyzed STAT, Most frequently analyzed non-blood specimen. a. complete blood count (CBC) 90 seconds or more to freeze a block, during which we must monitor the freezing for the proper time to place the sole heat extractor over the freezing block. Would this transfusion cause an agglutination reaction? So, the conversion is like this. Stopper up to reduce agitation, aid clot formation in serum tubes and prevent contact with the tube stopper. a. Why is her hematocrit low? c. Blood urea nitrogen. Here are a few facts that caused the errors. What effect would a patient's heparin therapy have on processing the specimen? Specimens that require separation of the serum or plasma from the cells should be centrifuged within how long? 13 Pediatric and Geriatric Procedures, 15 - BASICS: ANIMAL NUTRITION (FEED MANAGEMEN, Phlebotomy Essentials Chapter 16: Specimen Ta, Phlebotomy Chapter 16 - Specimen Handling, Tr, Order of Processing a Requisition (Phlebotomy), Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning. It is unique in that it is the only block that melts objects without giving off light. Chronic drug use can be detected in what type of sample? b. spill kit Hemolyzed specimens cause which of the following? The specimen was centrifuged promptly, but not analyzed in a timely fashion. Once the slide is heat fixed, it can then be stained. + Specimens should be kept as Whole Blood and at Room Temperature . June 22, 2022 . 37C. a. Phenylephrine b. Xylometazoline c. Ephedrine d. Epinephrine. Specimen must be transported at near normal body temp, which is. a. A) albumin B) white blood cells C) red blood cells D) urea. To protect from light. It's a safe and convenient tool used to heat samples in flasks, tube, and vials, which is ideal for obtaining consistent results and precise temperature stability. c. a blood clotting protein. Ideally, routine blood specimens should arrive at the lab within how many minutes? Bam Adebayo is defending Mason Plumlee. Her sister has type B blood. gestational age Carotene. If serums containing Anti-A and Anti-B are added to blood samples from an individual and neither sample shows clumping, it would indicate that the individual had blood type..? Wrap a specimen in aluminum foil to: Definition. The faceshell thickness is 30 mm and the web thickness is 30 mm. (a) bone marrow (b) thyroid (c) spleen (d) bursa of Fabricius (e) None of the above. d. Fax the results immediately to the patient, b. Heat & Thermodynamics. Disadvantages include inability to cut thin sections, storage of blocks in alcohol and speed of technique (which can take several weeks or months). When Should I Use a Heat Block? The size and shape of the specimen. The second specimen voided after a period of fasting and it is used for glucose monitoring. 8 hrs. Select the correct answer. d. centrifugation interference. What is a portion of a specimen used for testing called? b. blood fluid that does not clot. d. globin. A physician orders a test you're unfamiliar with. Which urine samples for a drug screening will be rejected? b. If several blood specimens are being collected by capillary puncture and a slide is also needed, it should be made: Down's syndrome How should a Cryofibrinogen specimen be transported? The phlebotomist has the greatest impact on which phase of laboratory testing? Warm - 37C heat block. Glycolysis by erythrocytes and leukocytes in blood specimens can falsely lower glucose values at what rate? In designing a report form for laboratory results (either electronic or paper version), which one of the listed elements could be omitted? Suspected agents should include N. meningitidis, S. pneumoniae, and H. influenzae and other pathogens in some cases. - atherosclerosis. Why might one use an airtight container with icy water to transport an arterial specimen for blood gas analysis? 1:30pm= 1330 "thirteen thirty", 10% dilution of bleach (5.25% sodium hypochlorite) The cassette, now filled with wax and forming part of the block, provides a stable base for clamping in the microtome. Learn the phlebotomy definition and meaning, what venipuncture is, the equipment and supplies used, and blood draw needle types. Standard steel specimen (heat treated) b. Vickers hardness tester 5.3 EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE a. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. Cancer A. Cardiac output B. From these measurements the following properties can also 1.1 is the speed-time graph for a stone as it falls to the ground. y8y+20y=100x226xexy ^ { \prime \prime } - 8 y ^ { \prime } + 20 y = 100 x ^ { 2 } - 26 x e ^ { x } The temperatures metals are heated to, and the rate of cooling after heat treatment can significantly change metal's properties. After 30 minutes (25 minutes for equine/human serum), remove the serum bottles and cool slowly to room temperature. The phlebotomist drew a blood specimen and immediately placed it in a 37 heat block. C. Bilirubin. B. Gently tilt the tube back and forth until a clot forms, at which point, the timing is immediately stopped. b. There are different types of blood and specimens that can be transported, including: Whole blood Packed red blood cells Platelets Plasma Urine Stool samples Biopsies Each sample type has specific transportation requirements, so it is essential to know what you are transporting and follow the proper guidelines. See picture. Which of the following is least likely to have caused the hemolysis? The Joint Commission a.) When hot tensile testing is required, it can be time consuming and energy intensive, especially when trying to meet strict standards such as Nadcap. Samp. The term "thermolabile" refers to a trait of some chemical constituents that are tested in blood specimens. Accumulation of which of the following substances, usually cleared by the liver, results in hepatic encephalopathy? 10:15am= 1015 "ten fifteen" Lactic acid Heat. Find the speed of the m th-order maxima on the screen, where m can be very large. The specimen is very carefully orientated in the mold because . $545,000. Give the common name for each of the following: CH3CH2CH2OCH2CH2CH3CH_3 -CH_2 -CH_2-O-CH_2 -CH_2 -CH_3 which specimen was in the heat block why; nz herald morning quiz today; Thng Su 10, 2022 . Some specimens routinely collected for testing by using a capillary puncture are adversely affected by exposure to light. nj estimated tax payments statement of account. Examples: 8:00am= 0800 "0 eight-hundred hours" 10:15am= 1015 "ten fifteen" 1:30pm= 1330 "thirteen thirty". The block is then sliced, put in a water bath (to remove any wrinkles in the sections), and eventually on the slide. If the laboratory must save separated serum or plasma for testing later, how would most specimens be stored after 8 hours? Fixation is a critical step in preparing slides and samples in microbiology, pathology and histology. The laser beam passes through a pair of slits separated by a distance d, in a glass plate attached to the front of the laser. The 20-g bullet is traveling at 400 m/s when it becomes embedded in the 2-kg stationary block. Packaging must include an inner/primary package and and outer/secondary container. What type of specimen preferred routine analysis? specimen in tension or compression. Start studying Phlebotomy Ch. A antibodies in the plasma c. A antigens on the red blood cells d. Rh antigen on the red blood cells e. A and B antibodies in the plasma, Bloodstains are found at the site of a murder. Qiron = 90(T 300) J. The traditional standard glucose tolerance test (GTT) requires individual urine specimens collected. a. Hemolysis b. Leukopenia c. Decreased platelets d. Increased hematocrit, You run an ELISA for molecule X. Causes the cells and plasma or serum in blood specimens to separate. If a person has acute glomerulonephritis what would be the test result (negative or positive)for? Students are asked to predict what will happen to the temperature of water and the temperature of the metals. Void into toilet, void into container, void any remaining urine into toilet. b. Which of the following substance is/ are involved in the regulation of plasma calcium level? It decreases the loss of gases from the specimen, Assays that require a chilled specimen do NOT include which of the following? c.) Creatine. What is the most frequently analyzed non-blood body fluid? b. pH/blood gas (CBG & ABG) What can happen to urine components if not processed in a timely fashion? b. Temperature (T) = 80.0 K. Specific heat (c) = 1676 KJ. The impregnation and embedding of tissues are done by using the same medium usually but sometimes two different mediums are used for these processes (Double embedding). Warm - 37C heat block: Why would you wrap a specimen tube in aluminum foil? Chronic drug use can be detected in what type of sample? 4. A specimen collected immediately upon awakening in the morning after approx. One specific example related to transportation is: Which one of the following is the characteristic(s) of the primary container used for transporting blood specimens by air? Group O Rh (D) Positive red cells. Look at the color of the solution. Preanalytical errors include transportation variables. Two large and small blocks are utilised as adherends, and the impact of the pendulums striker on the smaller block causes an impact loading. Collapse of the veins due to low blood volume and low blood pressure b. Leakag, A blood sample taken from a patient who has an infection can be expected to show which of the following? When a malignancy is suspected, then the specimen is often covered with ink in order to mark the margins of the specimen. Chilling can cause erroneous test results for which analyst. The most reliable way to load blood specimens into a centrifuge is: orienting specimen tubes across from eachother. A. Pulse B. Creatinine/BUN C. Electrolytes D. Weight LFT's E. Blood pressure, In an emergency when there is insufficient time for normal pretransfusion testing which of the following should be issued without waiting for the results of a crossmatch? b. Tanzanite with Calcite. lf DNA profiling technique is to be used for identifying the criminal, which of the following is ideal for use? The ratio of anticoagulant to blood is specific for the volume of specimen. 8:00am= 0800 "0 eight-hundred hours" A physician orders a test you're unfamiliar with. Her blood pressure is 154/110 mm Hg and she has proteinuria. The patient's serum creatinine is 1.9 mg/dL. To test, Which of the following tests helps in diagnosis of cancer? One example is a specimen collected for bilirubin testing that is obtained from a newborn. The temperatures metals are heated to, and the rate of cooling after heat treatment can significantly change metal's properties. C. Fulguration Artefacts:[1,2] These artefacts are produced as a result of electrocautery. A: Yes, blood specimen collection tubes are in shortage, including sodium citrate tubes. B. a. bilirubin b. biliverdin c. bile d. transferring. A person's blood plasma is free of any antibodies which would cause red blood cells to clump. Allow the slide to sit for 20 minutes before viewing, to enable the cellular debris to clear. Allow the sample to remain in the furnace for one hour. What is a likely result if a specimen tube containing additives is not mixed correctly? Most of us are acquaiI would accept Dr. Adcocks authority. Release a small drop of specimen from the syringe onto one of the slides. Protecting a specimen from the effects of heat can be accomplished by. Collected from a sterile catheter inserted through the urethra into the bladder. Flip the slide without specimen on it over. This step is carried out using an "embedding centre" where a mold is filled with molten wax and the specimen placed into it. . 1:10 ratio of bleach to water Assuming the specimens were handled properly: Billirubin 1. Which of the following actions will compromise the quality of a specimen? What is the preferred time period for transporting blood specimens for coagulation testing? c. metal container Small Cabinet, 6.6 x 2.2 x 1.8 cm. Specimen: Special Instructions: Tissue specimens (biopsies) Place specimen in container with fixative (10% buffered formalin) immediately following surgical removal and ship to our laboratory with pertinent information. When the temperature of the furnace drops to between 650 - 600C, remove the specimen and quench it in water at room temperature or allow the furnace to cool down slowly to room temperature and remove the specimen thereafter.

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which specimen was in the heat block why