forced diversity in advertising

There were some American actors like Lex Barker and Ken Clarkbig mennot ever going to be mistaken for womenand they went to Europe to work because it was more traditionalmen were masculine and women were feminine (although they also made women-led action movies-Hollywood didnt catch on to this trend except in comedy films). The majority of emcees of tv shows are black, awards shows are hosted by blacks and the presenters are mostly black. Its just where we are. Seeing the proliferation of the kind of diversity representation ads were talking about here really bugs me. I just went to the Library of Congress to maybe read some online of the sections had 3 pictures that came up one after another pictures of mostly kids, reading, etc.all 3 had a total of 15 people all black, POC except one white male. Frankly I have NO idea what to do about this, EXCEPT ALERT THE MEDIA so those folk DONATING to these organizations WILL NOT HAVE MILLIONS of $$ and in some cases (BLM) 100s of MILLIONS. I think everyone is a little sick of that. Thanks Madge, you nailed it. I am just sick of all this CRAP being shoved down our throats. Share Real Customer Stories. Protest, boycott, call, write letters. I just dont think theyre really selling products anymore. It should be degrading them as it totally erases their culture and transforms them into white culture. Hardly. I hope. Spot on! That said, I think you expressed yourself quite well. But I hesitated because I wasnt 100% sure of Robs politics/social outlook. I also notice that when there are white people in commercials with blacks very often the black people look good, trim, sharp, intelligent and the whites look scraggly, dorky, fat, dumpy. This is not realistic or representative. Oh, I forgot about the talking Rice Krispie Treat giving the boy in ballet tights a pep talk. Thats a hefty payload of Truth you just dropped, Kris. I literally get up and leave the room or x out ALL of these commercials (and blacks are in ALL of them) that are bombarding and attempting to control our thinking that theyre normal .. Personally, Im singling out these advertisers who are ignoring white America by falsely showing more gay & transgender people in a much larger percentage of America than it really it. Again, youre not racist just observant. Think there would be a problem? Portray those stories in your marketing. Thanks for reading. Diversity is great and was much needed in the entertainment industry. Always good to hear from you, Robert. Have you seen Zucks Avatar? I am a white female and I feel for the white male who is so obviously portrayed as a home-staying effeminate and clueless male. Marija Zivanovic-Smith, NCR Corporation, 2. Google it, its a fascinating story of how they duped consumers into believing they NEEDED cereal to be healthy. Thats . It would be more realistic & more palatable if companies would use the actual or real percentages of interracial couples, races & genders instead of trying to make these things as absolutely above normal or actual numbers. Interesting observations, Linda. They refuse to think critically for themselves; they just believe what theyre told. Quit paying to go to see those movies. And. This trend is NOT about money. He also often had female villainsthe worst thing as a villain in a Disney film was the evil mother. Again, if you want to represent society as it exists knock yourself out but dont try to socially engineer us! The company head recently announced plans for their search engine to suppress results they dont like, just like Google does. Yet, today its getting to the point where the average family in a TV commercial will soon consist of a black man, a white woman, and their two Chinese kids. Nissan had an ad last year that I found annoying in great part because it had an unmistakably white boy call a black woman mom, but also seemed to be advocating the idea that women are all poor drivers. When an ad looks that unrealistic, you can be sure I wont believe anything else it has to say, either. Although both are paying a price for it, the losses in revenue are apparently seen merely as an investment toward the cause. Or they have a political agenda better served by a belief there are more minorities. Interracial couples are 10% of all new marriages, which is material. Its coercive propaganda in the background of each of these commercials repeated 1000s of times each day. Im proud of that, but I think the powers that be are trying to protect themselves knowing that they lead almost all white ad agencies. Look from within. I understand what my staff is going through; I dont have to conduct research studies. My husband pointed this out to me some time ago. The whole you have to be an activist or youre a racist deal is getting old. It has gotten so predictable now that if you see a white face in a commercial, it is almost automatic that the next face you will see is that of a black person. Its the far left wing radical idiots that want to appease people of color. (See Coke.) It blew my mind, yes we are being force-fed fake commercials, listen to this agency CEO, unbelievable. Use cartoons or just anything other than actors! Most of the modern worlds issues stem from the hidden bitterness towards our own dads that were either present and imperfect or vacant altogether. The FOUNDER of BLM just purchased four homes over a million dollars FOR PERSONAL USE! For example, how often do you see a father and son interacting in a commercial. Integration will only come gradually over generations. Or is that Deltas desired customer mix? Watching commercials on ABC and NDC, I was shocked to learn that ~70% of black families drive Lexus SUVs and live in McMansions, because every commercial I see portrays this to be just normal everyday life in America. They dont care about anyone else. Hed also probably think 1/3 of relationships are interracial, 25% of people are LGBT, all white men are either evil or stupid, all women and PoC are virtuous and intelligent, etc. CBS has publicly stated that its reality shows will feature 50% non-white participants. Its really something how Google tries to hide discussions like this, isnt it? Im talking about the new discrimination against whites, men, Christians and women, if we include all of the trans males that are now invading womens rest rooms, womens sports, and every other area traditionally held by biological females. Shame on me. Others wield it as a club. But theyd still need to scroll down and will see white fathers along with obligatory POC. I agree, but like you, I think the motives run deeper than mere profits. And the corporate media including Big Tech are not just complicit, theyve been captured completely. To amend your preferences you can visit "Cookie Settings" at the bottom of the website. Bogart was that height but he wasnt going to be paired in a movie with Cary Grant or Robert Mitchum because he would look like a midget. It was the white people of America who spilled blood to free the black man, brother fighting brother. If this was a book on physics, Mark Levin would win a Nobel Prize for his Theory of Everything. But when we all are forced to see people of every race, sex, and culture as equal (meaning the same), then we rob everyone of the traits and characteristics that make each of us stand out as unique and special. But for new readers coming in, Id like to steer the conversation back to the topic of representation and diversity in TV commercials. they are letting you know what they desire for the future, what is good and what is bad White family bad so plain to see. This is the new WOKE CULTURE we are dealing with right now. This is not about money, or placating the woke mania. Until Black leaders come out and say something nothing will change. It panders to the woke, makes us fear to mention Christmas, any American things, or anything a white person would like. Remember in this country there re 2% Jewish, 1% Muslim and 2% other religions. Check out a video of one brazen robbery here: But at the same time, the advertising companies were developing a new marketing strategy that got away from mass markets Positioning (Rob, you know what Im talking about). Its really amazing how poorly these companies treat their customers and potential customers, especially compared to a brand like Chewy that works so hard to deliver positive experiences. Plans for improving diversity and representation in advertising U.S. and UK 2022 Plans for adapting their marketing approach to improve diversity and inclusion in advertising according to. I wonder if I should write to the ad agencies. There are a number of outfits I will not have anything to do with if I can avoid them Coca Cola, Nike, the NBA and NFL, to name just a few. unless he is placed beside a Nubian Goddess as his love interest or something. It MIGHT be saying, instead, that there is no way any one is taking a chance to piss off a black Karen who thinks the buffoon or clueless black person is a form of a micro-aggression, or subtle racism, or some baloney like that! If you get a chance, tell them what you think on social media, too . I think its fair to say that a good bit of advertising is fake, or at least exaggerated, and always has been. And there absolutely is a reason that interracial couples are being propagated as a black man and white woman. Are tv ads only meant to target black purchasers? I am wondering if there is a way to get this information and observations out to a larger public forum? So why is it that when I watch TV that my family and I are force fed brainwashing adverts that portray diverse mixed race mixed sex mixed anything as the norm! Its the only effect Ive personally seen. Who would we need to contact to bring this to their attention? Thank you for writing this article! What happened to nominating a movie because it was just a darned good movie? Thanks, Michael. and many references to the over-representation of Black actors in advertising (which I have noticed), but neither you nor anyone who has commented has given the percentage of commercials employing black actors. And it goes beyond just media. Of course, portraying people properly would require advertisers to have real respect for different races and cultures, and a genuine desire to give more than lip service to the prime directives of diversity and inclusivity. Are advertising people those unassailable paragons of virtue we all know them to be attempting to assuage their guilty consciences for all the systemic racism they see in every nook, cranny, and crevice of America by meeting some kind of quota? And, as I get older I learn the things that dont make sense in life arent supposed to because were humans. The irony is that at the same time the majority of commercials has switched to 90% black actors, depicting black families living in multi-million dollar mansions, spouses buying each other luxury sports cars for Christmas, climbing Mount Everest, and flying all over the world on European vacations, Hollywood, politicians and the media still continues to debate the issue of how black Americans cant seem to find their way into a DMV without white assistance to get an ID to vote and dont have the money to pay for the ID card, and how its racist to even suggest we have a voter ID card like they have in other countries. Explore the depth and breadth of ANA content through our product subcategories. Everyone knows that representation is important. I am sad that white people are not represented in TV commercials. Its fine to be neutral. Sure you might have a few exceptions here and there, but sometimes stereotypes are actually true. I think the dramatic shift in commercials is very odd, mostly because I cant quite figure out what corporate America is trying to do. What if someone came out with the All White Network? I just turn the sound down and walk out of the room. Why do we constantly try and guess? That is my decision and I am very happy about it!! The only way out I see is to try and make these companies (including your catalog company) pay a price for their actions. I am so sick of this bullshit diversity. Hit them where it hurts their profit margins and tell them why youre leaving. If inclusion is part of your culture and mission, it will show in your campaigns and wont feel like a marketing tactic or gimmick. I watched a fascinating interview on the Ruben report about an investor who talks about how, after the 2008 crash, Black Rock and other houses started actually pushing the fake green and inclusion narratives, posing as the investors voice, saying the general public wants this social awareness in companies. Its been part of this country for 200 years even Lincoln first proposed sending blacks back across the water but decided not to because it was going to be too expensive. 5% dont practice any religion. And third, inner city public school systems are often limited by teachers unions. Just saw two in a row with black families. Do black people love hockey? The problem isnt racism, its woke-ism. The overall ethnic skew of the marketing/advertising . You wouldnt think it so difficult to properly represent diverse populations on screen, but for some reason, the people behind todays ads are tying themselves into knots over it and still failing spectacularly. Even a black president did not expiate the sin. ANA. So many have been canceled, deplatformed, or branded as racists for speaking the truth that I think a vast majority are now scared to even engage in the discussion for fear of losing friends, jobs, their reputations, etc. . I find all this whining about representation laughable; Im half Mexican and Syrian and Filipino on the other side.where was my representation when I was a kid? Dont even get me started on Disney! GoodRx The Garcias are good at getting the most out of things. Sad and creepy, but not surprising. A Diversity Report for the Advertising/Marketing Industry (2021) November 16, 2021. I have noticed such a drastic change in the demographics of television commercials. . 4. It really has very little to do with cultural norms and more to do with economics. White guys are out. One last point. They hate normal people. I blame them for many of societys ills. Why wouldnt you show more people that look like the ones consuming your products? Obviously there is nothing wrong with that in real life and I wish I had them as neighbors. Yes, sir. I havent noticed, but Ill be sure to listen for it now. You are far from alone, Bob. No, there is something else at work here. Thats a great point, WonderWoman. The Left admonishes us to celebrate the differences in our cultures while completely ignoring the fact that different cultures may in fact have different preferences in careers and entertainment. Why is the white guy always the buffoon and the Hispanics (if they appear) always the low-level employee showing the rich black executive to her car? Though we havent seen much of this in the casting of the shows we watch, mostly because they are older shows, we do see this massively disproportionate diversity in commercials. Ad industry publications such as Ad Age and Adweek and Digiday cheerlead for it. Many of the other female athletes have been too afraid to speak out for fear of losing their scholarships or getting kicked off the teams. no taxpayer is going to care about my first world People of color in commercials usually do not get my attention and I do not buy their products. may have complained about the fitness ads. Race as a tie breaker. I like you already, Cathi! I have cancelled my AMEx card. Giving in to these groups of people and cults. Large advertising companies? I think theyre trying to sell ideas I just dont know what ideas theyre trying to sell.. People dont have the stomach for it; they dont have any alternative brands to turn to; and in the end, its probably just not worth the time. I came from a very poor background and when I was applying for college there were grants for every demographic under the Sun save for straight white males. Turns out, its true. Yes, the lgbtq is a cult. Thank you . The inclusion of this new character caused the familiar cries of 'forced diversity' to be heard yet again. In any case, the media, government, and yes, advertisers too are sowing the seeds of racial division through their constant barrage of misinformation, manipulation, and spin. Im a lush so this will be perfect! If we targeted blacks, wed cast blacks. option. If the general public only knew how creepy, manipulative, and destructive he is . And the Asian mixes. some complain about the fast food ads, and some (or ONE person who wrote an opinion piece?) Just look at the money they control, ungodly amounts. Once in college and law school there were special tutorial programs for every race but white. You are totally right and Im in the UK. Its galling to me that even in advertising locally here in the Mountain West, where the population is close to 90% white, I dont see a lot of people who look like me or my friends, family, or neighbors. I perfectly see Michelle FHs point she is correct, absolutely. Every victim needs a villain. The Thirteenth Amendment abolished slavery in 1865, and the U.S. fought a bloody war, nearly destroying itself in the process, to end the practice. . Generation to generation. Advertisers are 'trying too hard' to demonstrate diversity | Daily Mail Online Channel 4 YouGov poll looked at representation of BAME and LGBT communities Broadcaster claims that brands are. Now, it's an ad, and in the end it doesn't matter, however, I feel this forced diversity does impact some aspects of media. Well, have you watched the news lately? Thats why Im voting for the D. Thats the political mentality of so many of us. I am a gay man and I am sick of the LGBTQ with their crap too! Notice even the stereotyping of a certain physical build and slightly unhealthy/unfit body type of said bumbling white males? Make Diversity An Objective, Not An Afterthought, Diversity must be a focus in the beginning stages of the campaign concept., Thanks, Robert. While I agree with most of the above comments, I feel the old mantra comes to mind follow the money.. Take All Black Network for instance. Inclusive and diverse campaigns start from within. A large percentage of the tv commercials are of course pushing social justice of one sort or another. I dont know whats coming over me. Thank you, Jo! Id also like to note that DuckDuckGo is now following Googles lead in censoring and suppressing information that its owners dont like. When you see it in TV, you would assume black/white interracial marriages are 95% of all marriages. if anyone wants the stats on these, just ask ..I dont come here often, but will try to check it out when I can, I get what youre saying, Dan, and the stats do back you up. They see white erasure in western culture and wonder why. Excellent post, G. Youve been paying attention! Ive wanted to ask a black person if they dont just feel really insulted by all this. Its all a way to appease them. All told, falsely advertising diversity ends up supporting racism. They earn the most per capita and have the highest education by race. Thank you for your candor, Elizabeth. Companies will be forced to address their . Too bad theres no cancellation button for commercials! But when a black man (also most likely on psych drugs) does the same thing, somehow his race and toxic masculinity are never mentioned. Look at the movies now. . Marketers often fail by developing a campaign and then inserting a few diverse people to check off the diversity box. What happened to ALL the white people in ads. . Always use the Golden Rule. Do not hurt others in any way. CTV Advertising Means Diversity. This country is so much in the toilet right now. Thanks, Jackson. One day while in line at my S&L, the old farmer in front of me asked the teller about their stability. B. some bigot dropping hurtful or played-out tropes on Reddit? Of course, when I searched with Google for this, nothing would show up. I think what irks me about it is the people making the choices. I totally agree with everything youve written here . Most nights I could barely stand five minutes before pulling the plug. In 2021, we will see marketing and advertising campaigns reflect a range of consumer diversity especially among apparel and consumer packaged goods. For instance, when men are in ads they are in the periphery unless its a couple then its a black male and a white woman. That might seem to make sense but do you know a lot of really poor Asian people in America? Companies purporting to care about progressive values are really doing nothing more than striking a superficial pose meant to signal virtue while distracting from any companys true motive: financial gain for shareholders.. How many movies are made now featuring men (and some women) in their 70s as the action hero lead? Sir, step away from the bandwagon, and slowly back away!, said the advertising police to the insincere advertiser. Thanks again! Ive been thinking of writing a boilerplate type letter that I can use so I dont have to type my complaints & observations 100s of times. colorful. How dumb do they think the 70% of us are that make up America? Not to get too political here, but the progressive mind-set is akin to that of a sledgehammer when instead, precision instruments are called for. A rudimentary familiarity with basic crime statistics would open a lot of peoples eyes, if they werent so farking stupid. Makes no sense. Dont make assumptions about your audience. Its going to backfire! Constructive feedback and criticism is the way to make your voice heard and hopefully get someones attention. Me, I think Ive just hit a personal milestone. Should either of those be the objectives of Delta Airlines? What Works For Diversity And What Doesn't? What is the rationale for this? Id love nothing more than schooling all those like him. Have you also noticed that the majority of the commercials now have rap and hip hop in the background and are portraying things towards kids like the Kool-Aid guy wearing a gold chain and doing rap or hip hop? Now theres an idea, Jay. They are a very loud and sometimes violent minority. I suggested it as further reading for all. If you are paying attention, you will see that there is a growing faction of people, both white and nonwhite, who are actively cheering on the ethnic and cultural erasure of white people. That was . Staying silent is part of how we got here in the first place. Its my belief that all these things are doing harm and serious damage and just pissing people off even more. Theyre starting to wonder if pushing all of these agendas might just be costing them money. I call it Clown World and were all living in it. About the whole social justice push. I could give hundreds of examples, but a couple of recent examples jump to mind. Therefore, not only does the new definition fail to capture the full meaning of racism; the definition is itself an example of the anti-white racism being taught to our children.. (Hello, New Jake from State Farm.). Thanks for doing the legwork so we dont have to, Wypipo. As a retired marketing executive with over 30-years experience at a Fortune 10 company, I cant understand what the ad industry is doing today. oh yeah, ive noticed that. Heres an idea. I mute the commercials and think to myself this is all but nothing but clown commercials, fake and actually racist against whites. Just curious; has anyone actually done the math? Eventually this transformed into the black sidekick or partnerand then eventually the white male lead was replacedand Will Smith and Denzel Washingtons son became the lead. If you notice, the actors playing Bond have gotten shorter and less masculine over time. These trends in media and advertising grieve me deeply for 2 reasons. We are circling the openings to some pretty deep rabbit holes here, but I do think more and more people are starting to catch on. This must stop before it escalates beyond any controlled means. Well, the fair-minded ones do, anyway. Its a problem for sure. But what seemed like overnight the pendulum over swung. (Facebook Advertising) 9. They dont and they shouldnt. The reason they look so out of place is not because POC dont enjoy a good hike. It seems that since the BLM movement really took off in 2020 the advertisers are falling over themselves to be more diverse than the next one. Nice idea, Timothy, but I doubt that would solve anything. This has gotten way worse in 2022! are there no non-black actors applying for a paying gig to be in Gain commercials? I became republican for this reason. Alas, the way advertisers misrepresent their audiences insults us all. Yes it is the Democrats doing this because all white people are racist. Not true. Tribalism isnt going anywhere ever. You know its not right to be white in todays Woke society . There is so much going on that really is inter-related. First, the more brands jump on this bandwagon, the more they transmit a subconscious message of insincerity which leads to eroding trust. But most people dont see this. And sadly, race relations or whatever you want to call it is but one cog in the overall gear mechanism. To brand masculinity as toxic is as ignorant as it is dangerous, and if you ask me, its the product of radical feminists who are themselves a toxic breed. I can give you hundreds of examples of how demographics should work, but here are just a couple of them. And the irony is when there are black American families that do strive to be successful or achieve affluence, they are criticized as selling out or being uncle Toms by others. Thank you. I am completely disappointed over everything happening. If your employees represent different genders, ages, races, political beliefs, ethnicities, physical abilities, sexual orientations and so on, your campaigns will be authentic without even trying. Im a 64-year-old liberal white female who usually votes Democratic but Ive been noticing this more and more. I just happen to have two 36 axe handles right here by my desk. May be should be renamed critical replacement theory. I do think the movement several years ago of #OscarsSoWhite had a hand in this. They say there is no war on Christmas. But now we have this transgendering mushroom cloud appearing. Powers that be in Hollywood and on Madison Avenue want women to stop breeding with white men. Hoping all this social engineering crap, which people like I associate with can see right through, backfires on all these idiots. And I 100% agree with what you said about the relationship between art, truth, and propaganda. I would think that minorities, especially blacks, would and could argue that for decades they were grossly underrepresented in advertising and theyd be right. Thanks for letting me know its not just me thinking it anymore. Some say they. Glad you found us, Kristen. Slavery has existed within all peoples over the world. I kept scrolling and scrolling until it felt like I was inside The Truman Show and the producers were playing some kind of weird joke on me to see how I would react. For more information about this processing of personal data, check our Privacy and Cookie Policy. Are they implying 3% of their passengers are white, straight males? Suddenly the woke corporations have dropped whites and replaced them with black America acting like white America. Luxury cars over index with white customers, so feature mostly whites in those ads. This is mostly what the alien sees on tv, so it must be true. Its almost comical how they have seemed to disappear, when in reality its quite the opposite. And I certainly find it curious how everything has exploded all at once. Who comes up with the best inventions and breakthrough technologies? What? Its happening already with companies like Disney and Netflix. Good lord its so offensive. Most of us reluctantly accept this fact and just suffer through every commercial break thankful for the mute button on our remote controls. Anyway, overseas you see more representation of the other interracial mixes. Like, they must feel like theyre totally at the edge of Corporate Americas mind. Cancer culture. When relationship of ANY type is broken, it requires both parties to take some level of personal responsibility to make amends that genuinely last. Work Backward From Your Diverse Customer Base, Theres nothing better than an ad that feels authentically inclusive and nothing worse than one that feels like it was conceived by executives hoping to be on trend with diversity. Embracing diversity in advertising means redefining it within the organization and perceiving it as an essential element of the organization's innovation strategy. The sad part is, as you said, seeing this absurd over-representation of black people day in and day out begins to do more than just annoy after a while. Simple dog. I love this comment. Thats another funny trope. Some want to throw back the hands of time and bring back the old days. Explaining why many of our business leaders and politicians are in favor of these things. The Adweek article tries to spin this discrepancy by moving the goal posts to talk about the global population (of which Muslims make up about 25 percent), but by the time the reader gets there, the agenda is already clear.

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forced diversity in advertising