which of the following is not characteristic of neurons?

True or False, Axon diameter and degree of myelination determine nerve impulse conduction velocity. b. cause aggressive behavior. Which of the following are true about neurons? Expert Answer. Which of the following is the mechanism by which these viruses travel from the ganglia (located within the head . Which of the following is not a function of the autonomic nervous system? b. cause inattention. c. The person may stop breathing. c. it increases flow to highly active neurons. Describe which neurons are considered cholinergic in both the parasympathetic and sympathetic divisions. B) norepinephrine Experts are tested by Chegg as specialists in their subject area. The majority of these axonal knobs are shown to be "firing." Which ion channel opens in response to a change in membrane potential and participates in the generation and conduction of action potentials? c. Dendrites and soma a. extrapyramidal motor system. B. Myelin prevents the conduction of electricity from the axon hillock to the axon terminal. Characteristics Of Neurons. b. Pons c. somatic nervous system. Collections of nerve cell bodies in the peripheral nervous system are called ________. A) release nerve growth factor A) resting period Polygenic inheritance is the inheritance of traits that are influenced by multiple genes. a. temporal lobe. channels open Influx of Na+ AP regenerated in What are ciliated CNS neuroglia that play an active role in moving the cerebrospinal fluid called? a. Oligodendrocytes a. forebrain. D) ATP and other purines capacity of divide via mitosis due to absence of centrosomes. What type of channel on the postsynaptic membrane binds neurotransmitter? c. Myelin traps sodium ions in the axon and, What does myelin do for neurons? Immediately after an action potential the potassium gates, being slow gates that do not respond to change in the electrical charge, allow additional K+ ions to flood into the cell. C) responds to stimuli by gland secretion or muscle contraction, The period after an initial stimulus when a neuron is not sensitive to another stimulus is the ________. Some axon terminals contain more than one kind of neurotransmitter. Different types of neurons include sensory, motor, and interneurons, as well as structurally-based neurons, which include unipolar, multipolar, bipolar, and pseudo-unipolar neurons. 2. d . Motor. Extrapyramidal side effects produced by antipsychotic drugs are similar to the symptoms of: c. olfactory information. a. periaqueductal gray. Resting potentials are not just characteristics of nerve cells; all cells in the body have resting potentials. B) afferent neuron Neurotransmitters are chemical signals used as a means of communication. D. They have an exceptionally high metabolic rate., These cells in the CNS have cilia that move in order to circulate cerebrospinal fluid ________. a. interneuron. Site of mRNA translation for proteins of the axolemma c. Axon fibres are covered by a white sheath called myelin. b. Myelin prevents conduction of electricity from the axon hillock to the axon terminal. A) They conduct impulses. That part of the nervous system that is voluntary and conducts impulses from the CNS to the skeletal muscles is the ________ nervous system. Get access to this video and our entire Q&A library. ________ is a disease that gradually destroys the myelin sheaths of neurons in the CNS, particularly in young adults. Relative to the central nervous system, motor neurons are referred to as afferent neurons. Strong stimuli cause the amplitude of action potentials generated to increase. In which area of the neuron is an action potential initially generated? (organalle) inside them, which is necessary to formation of mitotic. B) the Na ions have been pumped back into the cell High metabolic rate. order to draw a diagram in her notebook. The term central nervous system refers to the ________. Some ions are prevented from moving down their concentration gradients by ATP-driven pumps. The structure that meets the spinal cord in the hindbrain is the: (a) Cell body (b) Dendrites (c) Axon (d) All of the above are structural features of a neuron. This is an example of: The importance of a stimulus is derived from the number of stimuli received from the same source. In myelinated axons the voltage-regulated sodium channels are concentrated at the nodes of Ranvier. c. Hippocampus d. endothelial cells., 2. b) Neurological cells protect and support neurons. During depolarization, the inside of the neuron's membrane becomes less negative. B) hyperpolarization d. cingulate cortex. a) anchor neurons to blood vessels b) control the chemical environment around neurons c) Provide the defense for the CNS d) support and brace neurons e) guide the migration of young neurons, synapse. (a . a. Axons b. Neurons c. Neuroglia d. Synapses e. Type A fibers, Which of the following parts of a neuron contain excitable membranes? 68. b. inhibit axon growth. The interior of a neuron is composed of cytoplasm and a gel that is called. c. medulla. (a) Fluorescent lightbulbs contain a small amount of mercury, giving a mercury vapor pressure of around 1*10^(-5) atm. Which of the following is not a structural feature of a neuron? Which of the following describes the excitatory postsynaptic potential? The substance released at axon terminals to propagate a nervous impulse is called a (n) ________. An experimental drug that reduces the release of chemicals that inhibit axon growth may: c. decrease anxiety. Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder with an increasing worldwide prevalence. 10 Characteristics Of Neurons (Nerve Cells) and Nervous System - 8SA.NET A) acetylcholine b. cerebellum. C. Afferent. b. ventricles. A) innervation of smooth muscle of the digestive tract B) innervation of cardiac muscle C) innervation of skeletal muscle D . A person suffering from an inability to speak the word she intends to say, sometimes a. that a person will have a polymorphism. b. your answer. Which of the following is not a function of astrocytes? A) astrocytes C) anchor neurons to blood vessels b. thalamus. Group of answer choices: Neuroglia refer to neurons with axons coated in myelin. B. axon. C) neurolemma Identify the neuron type described: Two neuron types whose cell bodies are in the spinal cord (CNS). Explain why some forms of MS are characterized by periods of remission and exacerbation. a. increase the activity of postganglionic sympathetic neurons. b. Microglial cells c. Extrapyramidal System The all-or-none phenomenon as applied to nerve conduction states that the whole nerve cell must be stimulated for conduction to take place. a) ion b) cholinesterase c) neurotransmitter d) biogenic amine. Neuroglia perform supportive functions in the brain. the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system. Which of the following are functions of the CNS? This disease causes gradual muscle stiffness . B) They can form on receptor endings. B) They have extreme longevity.C) They are mitotic. ATP neurotransmitters have what basic effect on the body? d. neuromuscular junctions. True or False, The autonomic nervous system is under voluntary control; whereas, the somatic nervous system is involuntary. a. the person had neurons that did not form correctly during neural development. To find the time when this object reaches the position x=0x=0x=0 we can use the quadratic formula, or apply the following two-step procedure: (a) Use Equation v2=v02+2a(xx0)=v02+2axv^2=v_0^2+2 a\left(x-x_0\right)=v_0^2+2 a \Delta xv2=v02+2a(xx0)=v02+2ax to show that the velocity of the object when it reaches x=0x=0x=0 is given by v=v022ax0v=\pm \sqrt{v_0^2-2 a x_0}v=v022ax0. Which division of your nervous system is generating this response? b. cerebellum. a) control how neurons communicate at the synapse b) guide the development and differentiation of neurons and glial cells c) physically support neurons in the PNS to form nerves d) provide. GABA and glycine are amino acid neurotransmitters; dopamine and norepinephrine are catecholamines; and endorphin and enkephalin are peptide transmitters. B) negatively charged and contains less sodium The cells communicate by sending signals between different parts of the brain, and the neurons can interface with gray matter nuclei. The part of a neuron that conducts impulses away from its cell body is called a(n) ________. The frequency of impulse transmission indicates the stimulus intensity and the brain responds appropriately. D) positively charged and contains more sodium, If a motor neuron in the body were stimulated by an electrode placed about midpoint along the length of the axon ________. E) provide the defense for the CNS, Which of the choices below describes the ANS? When the neurons were damaged, the number of Nissl corpuscles decreased significantly . The concentration of __ is higher inside than outside the cell. d. Parkinson's disease. 1. C) guide the migration of young neurons, synapse formation, and helping to determine capillary permeability They have long fibers from CNS to ganglion. Specifically, combination therapy (simultaneous use of customized sub-perception field and paresthesia-based SCS) versus monotherapy (paresthesia-based SCS) was evaluated. Methods: Participants were prospectively enrolled . 15. Generally, these traits are not determined by just one gene, but instead by the cumulative effect . The synapse more common in embryonic nervous tissue than in adults is the ________. c. lead to foreign substances entering the brain from the circulatory system. a. Oligodendrocytes The landscaping business for the area totaled about$1,340,000 for the year. The oligodendrocytes can myelinate several axons, Cell bodies of sensory neurons may be located in ganglia lying outside the central nervous system, During depolarization, the inside of the neuron's membrane becomes less negative. The autonomic has two divisions: the sympathetic and parasympathetic. b. (d) All of these are characteristic of neurons. What are the neuron functions for the peripheral nervous system? A drug that reduces the activity of the amygdala would likely: B) endorphin D) control the chemical environment around neurons lowers the probability of producing an action potential. a. Astrocytes A Pyrex container is completely filled with 275cm3275 \mathrm{~cm}^3275cm3 of mercury at 10.0C10.0{\degree} \mathrm{C}10.0C. b. Gliosis A&P Ch. 14 Flashcards - Cram.com It stores energy reserves. That part of the nervous system that is voluntary and conducts impulses from the CNS to the skeletal muscles is the ________ nervous system. It also affects your cerebellum, the part of your brain that controls movement and balance. a. efferent neuron b. afferent neuron c. association neuron d. glial cell, Which of the following is not characteristic of neurons? just need the answer 21.Characteristics that vary on a Identify the neuron type described: A functional neuron type most prevalent in the CNS. First, consider an object with an initial position x0x_0x0, an initial velocity v0v_0v0, and an acceleration aaa. c. end terminus. The generation of an action potential in a neuron requires the presence what type of membrane channels? Psych 4035 Ch 3 Practice and Reading Quizzes, David N. Shier, Jackie L. Butler, Ricki Lewis, Charles Welsh, Cynthia Prentice-Craver, David Shier, Jackie Butler, Ricki Lewis, Chapter 3 Formatting Documents- Val Caylor. Which cell causes endothelial cells to fit closely together? a. impair memory. A neuron was found to originate in the hippocampus and terminate in the prefrontal cortex. O They generate very fast O They are long when compared to other cells in the body O They help carry oxygen to different body parts O They do not have a nucleus. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like 1. Two subtypes of motor neurons have been identified: inferior and superior. B) Schwann cells A. Neurons synapse with: a. other neurons b. muscles c. glands d. all of these. 1. b. the structure is closer to the midline of the brain. Which of the following is an excitatory neurotransmitter secreted by motor neurons innervating skeletal muscle? Damage to the hypothalamus may alter someone's motivation to eat. (1991) finds that the CA1 neuron exhibits trains of action potentials when a small current (< 1 nA) is applied to the soma, but a full calcium spike and burst followed by trains of action potentials when the same small current is applied to . A) cell body destroy ACh a brief period after its release by the axon endings. a) motor fibers that conduct nerve impulses from the CNS to smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glands b) motor fibers that conduct nerve impulses from the CNS to skeletal muscles c) sensory and motor neurons t. 1. Which of the following is not characteristic of neurons? Sympathetic nervous system neurons contact muscle tissue at neuromuscular junctions. c. basal ganglia. muscles throughout the body? Neuroglia (a) conduct electrical impulses, (b) are nerve stem cells, (c) are support cells that aid neurons, (d) are an abnormal growth of neural tissue. 49. b. oligodendrocytes. (c) They have an exceptionally high metabolic rate. What is the function of upper motor neurons? Which of the following membrane regions would have significant numbers of voltage-gated ion channels? A neuron was found to originate in the hippocampus and terminate in the prefrontal cortex. C) are crucial in the production of neurotransmitters the afferent division of the nervous system. a. medulla. Which division of your nervous system is generating this response? C) found in ganglia These cells have a star-like shape and a central body that contains the . 34. A disorder that damaged oligodendrocytes would be expected to impede neurotransmission. which ofthe following is correct? Which of the following is not characteristic of neurons? c. neurons. C) the impulse would spread bidirectionally Responding to brain injury is an important function of astrocytes. Deep brain imaging on the move | Nature Methods c. interneurons make inhibitory connections with damaged neurons. a. the classification is based on the number of processes extending from the cell body b. multipolar neurons have several axons and one dendrite c. most neurons in the; Which of the following neurons forms the blood-brain barrier? When information is delivered within the CNS simultaneously by different parts of the neural pathway, the process is called ________ processing. Image credit: iStockphoto. A) origin of the stimulus b. autosomal chromosomes. C) destroy ACh a brief period after its release by the axon endings This results in increased speed of impulse propagation. Select the correct statement about serial processing. 70. which of the following is not characteristic of neurons? - OneClass They may live as long as the organism they are part of, and they have an exceptionally high metabolic rate, requiring large amounts of glucose and oxygen to produce ATP. a. Multi-polar neurons b. Bipolar neurons c. Uni-polar neurons. C) ganglia Which of the following is not characteristic of neurons a A chemical messenger that does not directly cause ESPSs or IPSPs but does affect the strength of synaptic transmission is a ________. c. Dendrites and cell bodies are found in the lateral gray columns of thoracic and the firs, Which type of neuron transmits impulses from the central nervous system to effectors such as muscles and glands? C) sensory neurons that convey information from somatic receptors in the head, body wall, and limbs and from receptors from the special senses of vision, hearing, taste, and smell to the CNS Why does a hyperpolarization phase generally follow a repolarization phase in an action potential? Mountainside's local landscaping business totaled approximately $789,400 in sales for the year. a. D) are crucial for the development of neural connections, An inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP) is associated with ________. d. the person has a history of drug abuse. 11. . What do ANS neurons regulate with regard to mechanical digestion? The point where a motor neuron meets a muscle fiber is called the: . C) They can be called postsynaptic potentials. Name the two other neuron types which are cholinergic. A) cholinesterase The reticular activating system includes all of the following structures except: The hypothalamus is located in the: a. Write a paragraph describing the b. hypothalamus. According to the signal, carried by motor nerves to effector organs, the muscles and glands . ________ are found in the CNS and bind axons and blood vessels to each other. The plasma membrane of the neuron is semipermeable, being highly permeable to K + and slightly permeable to Cl and Na +.In the extracellular fluid, electroneutrality is preserved by a balance between a high concentration of Na + on the one hand and a high concentration of Cl , as . The parasympathetic nervous system prepares the body for rigorous activity. c. they form an insulating material around axons. a. parietal lobe. If a physician identified her patient as a low drug metabolizer, which of the following is most c. Proteoglycans b. the person has a disease that affects myelin around axons. C) Sodium gates in the membrane can open in response to electrical potential changes. b. the blood-brain barrier However, the electrical impulse cannot pass directly from a nerve cell to the skeletal muscle cells to excite them. 51. - Neurons have one or more long, slender projections called dendrites, which receive electrical impulses from other neurons. a. Specialized cells in the nervous system that control behavior, senses, and movement are. b. Neurons have . The midbrain contains the: c. sensory and motor neurons that su. b. thalamus. Both excitatory and inhibitory potentials impinge on neurons. The GBA gene encodes the lysosomal enzyme glucocerebrosidase (GCase). Discover and discuss the meaning of dendrites, axon, membrane polarization, membrane depolarization, and synapses. C) opening of voltage-regulated channels The Quadratic Formula from Kinematics In this problem we show how the kinematic equations of motion can be used to derive the quadratic formula. Preganglionic neurons are located in the brain stem and sacral segments of the spinal cord. depression would be an example of: Cerebrospinal is located in the following structures except: a. Contains lymphatic vessel. b. increasing glial scarring. d. spines along dendrites. a. Somatic Nervous System Cells may have long extensions. A disease that destroyed astrocytes would be expected to: March 17, 2022. When excited electrically, the Hg atoms emit UV light, which excites the phosphor coating of the inner tube, which then emits visible (white) light. 66. 45. D) generator potential. D) glial cell, Saltatory conduction is made possible by ________. Hepatocytes and neurons express low baseline CB1R and CB2R, respectively, and their cell-type-specific functions are not well defined. The resting membrane potential is maintained by Na+-K+ pumps that actively transport __ into and ___ out of the cell. d . Which of the following is true about the movement of ions across excitable living membranes? 19. Unipolar neurons have axons structurally divided into peripheral and central processes, Neurons in the CNS are organized into functional groups, If bacteria invaded the CNS tissue, microglia would migrate to the area to engulf and destroy them, The nodes of Ranvier are found only on myelinated, peripheral neuron processes. Which of the following portions of the neuron transmits neurotransmitters? Classify Neurons by 3 Structures. d. prefrontal cortex. The interior is ________. a. microglial cells. b. sulci. We used embryonic stem cell-derived (H9) human neuronal stem cells . Its axon, the postganglionic axon, extends to the effector organ. the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system. a. meninges. d) There, In order for skeletal muscle cells to contract, they must be excited by motor neurons. Which nervous system subdivision is a chain of two motor neurons consisting of a preganglionic and a postganglionic neuron? Which of the following correctly describes a graded potential? d. Neurogenetics. This protective role is important because cells of the immune system are denied access to the CNS. What functional class of neuron carries impulses away from the CNS to muscles or glands? Nervous system - The neuronal membrane | Britannica What are the properties of myelinated axons which makes them ideal for long-distance motor control of skeletal muscle? 20. High metabolic rate C. Require continuous supplies of glucose and oxygen D. Extreme longevity E. No exceptions; all of these are characteristic of neurons. In addition to diffusion, what are two other mechanisms that terminate neurotransmitter activity? e. neurons that innervate smooth muscle are under involuntary control. a. motor fibers that conduct nerve impulses from the CNS to smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glands. Therefore, the axon can release one or more neurotransmitters simultaneously, creating singular or multiple events. C) diphasic impulses 79. C) They are mitotic. D) lowering the threshold for an action potential to occur. A) peripheral and spinal nerves Cedric S Raine. C) neurotransmitter likely acting upon? 43. 72. a. Epigenetic markers group cfibers are not capable of salatory conduction. a. Schwann cells b. satellite cells c. microglia d. astrocytes e. oligodendrocytes f. ependymal cells. Cell bodies of sensory neurons may be located in ganglia lying outside the central nervous system. (c) They have an exceptionally high metabolic rate. Show the details. What is the role of microglial cells and why are they so important in the CNS? d. gray matter. Free Flashcards about ap chap 11 - StudyStack Which of the following describes the nervous system integrative function? What are the different classes of neurons and their functions? d. The blood-brain barrier, 17.

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which of the following is not characteristic of neurons?