what is the highest iq possible

It is also hard to calculate IQ scores with high precision and accuracy in the infinitesimally small tail ends of the IQ distribution. Talent Drive= Frustration. I have an IQ of 146. In 1993, I was evaluated for brain surgery to control epileptic seizures and, as part of the pre-surgical testing I was given an IQ test on which I scored a 118. An 11-Year-Old Just Earned the Highest IQ Score Possible IQ tests measure your ability to reason, grasp ideas, and solve problems. The author of this article does not understand what IQ represents. I am curious to know my score , Truth: IQ isnt determined by you alone, but by genetics, and environment. I work as a a software developer. I think that Agatha is being kind, not braggy, and im happy for her.. Annalise, I agree that Presseys response was most likely out of envy, but I do wonder why nobody has a speck of doubt that Agatha may have lied. What this comment section is like: I am 1 year old and have a 300 IQ. Whatever the number, IQ scores are still highly controversial. Yet was on a path of becoming a great leader. I fail in my marriage to my wife. Was einstein the smartest man in the world? My mom worried that I was retarded so she took me to do an IQ test. highest possible IQ Long term memory does not become possible before ones brain develops to a certain point. Hi Andrew, Maths is not perfect. Tell that to Subsaharan Africa, no wheel and no fire control at all, eating babies and cannibalizing other members of other tribes, humans with brain-eating prions and diseases to keep superior thinking productive worthy people away. Its very hard, as one often encounters a communication barrier with those of an IQ much lower than theirs, thus leading to social problems. IQ= A person who creates what others can not believe. In infancy SAVANT skills will inflate I.Q.s. So children do this, 15 minutes before a test, any test, drink down 2 to 3 glasses of chilled but not cold water. I was always lazy in school, never did any homework, not even in college. What is the minimum IQ of an astronaut? - coalitionbrewing.com keyboards (grammer) ; electronic,s [sic] should be electronics punctuation and grammer); etc. Yet, I decided to make rooms in my basement. Not very good at math but developed fairly deep computer skills mainly on my own obsessively fiddling around (is that possible?) Also, why are you reading college text books? Those of us who learn languages other than our own always do. Theyre designed to reflect a wide range of cognitive skills, such as reasoning, logic, and problem-solving. Most likely, this will help you increase your score by a few points on average. What a beautiful talent you have. I might not be a genius but I know when somebody publishes work with few source notes. Won over three promotions in a few years, then boss said I had to get at least a GED high school equivalent, or wouldnt be able to get any more promotions. Spatial I.Q. I scored a simple 134. Now Im 39 and pretty sure my IQ has dropped at least 15 points due to prolonged depression in 2016-2018. Keep reading as we explore more about high IQ, what it means, and what it doesnt mean. Juan has been writing about science for over a decade and regularly keeps up with technological and scientific advancements. We all are Americans from the cold areas of Alaska to the cold areas of the Patagonia. Thats why the chess champions are always male. Highly intelligent people enjoy reading long text-data, whereas the less intelligent drift and tag things (like this post) with TLDR (a short attention span). Here Is The Highest Possible IQ And The People Who Hold The According to the World Genius Dictionary, Evangelos Katsioulis has the highest IQ ever in the world and was regarded as one of the Her reasoning is that we love in a city where the law says drivers are responsible for watching out for pedestrians. While I appreciate your insights in the Highest Recorded IQ piece, some of your paragraphs are un-readable in English. But I didnt expect this because my way of thinking is naturally to me. By this time was a Capt. Anyway, MENSA is open to people whos IQ falls in the top 98th percentile. I found out through the test for gifted at my school because we have a certified psychologist do it. 35 People with the Highest IQ | Smartest People in the World IQ means nothing about how smart you are it is simply measures your ability to reason, as stated in the dictionary definition of IQ. You can tell if you are a genius if you can succeed at what others have deemed impossible, as I have done countless times. Started a fund raiser program that raised enough to upgrade the Community Hall, and pay for the heat and lights and youth programs over many years. 15, 128 iq. But lets even calculate with 7 (which represents about 1 in 390 billion, a number were not going to need anytime soon). EVEN if your IQ is 160!!! Nothing else. Im sure you will go far. Read Genesis, chapter 1 until the seventh day. Im am not trying to make the point here that you are unintelligent, but having a vast vocabulary does not convey intelligence and in fact is not whatsoever related to the IQ test. His parents emigrated from Hong Kong to Australia. He attempted a political career but died young (at age 46), penniless. Haier RJ. Aha.you have to write in and tell us !!! Although I could raise my IQ by trashing some of the others.naaah, Ill leave that delusional rating method to them. I completely agree with you. Born in New York City in I doubt it. One of the most intelligent brains ever known, that of Albert The person with the highest IQ ever recorded is Ainan Celeste Cawley with an IQ score of 263. A more accurate test is done individually. The list continues as follows with the highest possible IQ: Back in 1916, the American psychologist Lewis Madison Terman (1877-1956) developed the intelligence quotient or IQ. Thats not to say that you were trying to be mean, but some people are not born with genius abilities, and what you said might make them feel stupid or inferior. People With The Highest IQs They do not understand time(does not exist as a dimension, only perception), space(folding hogwash), or gravity(actually electromagnetic) and thats why they and others have no universal physics. As Jim Winer writes, intelligent people are not afraid to say: I dont know. If they dont know it, they can learn it.. Because SUE it is very hard to develop a cure to a never before seen virus in little time. A genius tec [sic]? IQ is useless if you dont work hard. (Rational). It can be challenging and isolating to have a high IQ. I got a job as a research aero engineer with the us navy. That a godzillion tons of matter just popped from nowhere and hurled itself into space. In 1992 he and Dr. Mutulu Shakur not only wrote the Document called Thug Life but he got the 2 outlaw gangs in cali to aggree to it. Identifying gifted children: Congruence among different IQ measures. There are so many extra helps for those who have learning difficulties etc, but people like me fell through the cracks. My highest was a 148 on the Stanford-Binet (average 142). A couple years later when my family moved from California to Utah I was give various tests and found that I was just bored with the level of instruction and then advanced from 3rd to 6th grade in one year. possible Wow. Had a chance to be employed in a Federal institution, where a BA, was requested, applied and won over 14 others all of which were more educated than me. To be in the presence of a genius would be amazing. This Korean professor and researcher currently working at Chungbuk National University learned to speak when he was just 6 months old. Chose your path and ignore the bums who want what you have but are not willing to live with always second-guessing oneself and Aspergers Syndrome and al the baggage that comes with an IQ in the top 2%let alone up in the Tripple Nines and Four Sigma ranges. Hawking battled ALS from 1963 when he was diagnosed until his death in March of 2018. At the age of 1 I was able to beat Magnus Carlsen in two moves. Its not impossible, but lets put it this way. Everything is relative, so just do the best you can with what you have and dont worry about how anyone else would measure your intelligence, theyre not you. I worked at a series of jobs from 1988 until 2005. Believe me or dontt, Ive taken multiple IQ tests and always range between 160-200. To be honest, he may have just been charismatic, rather than a genius. If it relies on marketing or interacting with people, then SQ is the better measurement, assuming the conversation itself is not complex. But no IQ dont really help you unless you put it to use! In a year, I moved to a Company business and soon was qualified for all propane work. Also, a real genius will understand about religion. Steve, youre my new favourite person, lmao. I got a 144 when I was 4. So, to get a truly accurate reading of ones intelligence we have to examine and agree upon a precise definition of intelligence and come up with an array of categories. If you have an IQ of 130, you are probably capable of both understanding what the measure means and the challenges posed by your question. Basically, a high IQ means your score is higher than that of most people in your peer group. His score was estimated to be between 250-300 IQ points. Ummm who else would be reading this, less than sure wouldnt find this page now would they??. Fertility and intelligence I mean an 11 year old wouldnt lie on the internet. Honestly, youve achieved the same amount of awards that an average child with a genuine work ethic can achieve. There are quite a few articles out there expressing doubt about the Emeagwali score; though my cursory glance at them did not show what I would regard as any good authorities disproving the claim, they do raise the legitimate question what the source is which is claimed to prove it for the purposes of this article. I would work on it on week ends and after work! But life has never been easy for me. There are things in the world that we do not realize yet. All if this is about neurological connections in the brain; which take time to develop. Please just be sensitive to the fact that some people might have just been hurt by your bragging (even if you werent trying to brag). Its also important to understand that your IQ score doesnt exist in isolation. WebPeople with average IQ have scored around 15115; Individuals with 71 to 84 IQ scores have a below-average IQ level; Lastly, persons who have scored 170 have the low mental ability We avoid using tertiary references. To my surprise i got an IQ of 234. A double PhD asked me what qualifications I had for all that. To know your IQ, you take a standardized test in the presence of a trained professional. I personally am not a very religious person and dont identify myself under a certain religion, but I do know that putting someone down for believing in God (or no God, so to speak) is simply not OK. IQ Albert Einstein. They are called Taste Geniuses theres no IQ test for this type of genius and according to National Geographuc the scale of measurement cannot be molded to test certain areas thus excluding possible diamonds in the ruff so to speak. Some of these exceedingly smart people are better known to the general public than others, Im sure youve heard of Albert Einsteinand his incredibly high IQ but have you heard of Christopher Hirata? Theres some evidence that you might be able to increase your IQ score by a few points. The irony of the (IQ) tests themselves, center on the fact that those who wrote them were the byproducts of their own isolated enculturation directives, and therefore, the tests are flawed (though not completely worthless; I scored 149 at 40 in the late 90s); however, the underlying meaning of said results is also confined (and perhaps contaminated) by and in direct proportion to ones enculturation paradigm/s. Tolkein. Come on my dear Derelict Lujine, what are you talking about? You are displaying knowledge and memory, while the IQ test measures reasoning and problem solving, and NEITHER can totally display a complete intelligence measurement both because intelligence is relative and we are judging by human standards AND it is so fluid and contains so many variable aspects that it is nearly impossible to obtain a comprehensive measurement. God of the dead books is no more real than the Mythical creatures of the Odyssey and Illiad. I only have 139. There is no such thing as an IQ except as a game. When some guys concocted the Bible out of different earlier religions, they did not know anything about science. That is why doubt is mandatory when sifting through information on the web.). Possibly even more so. These creative people could then rule the world and are still ruling because of so many believing in sagas. I have won several awards in writing and science trivia, and I have never gotten a grade below an A-. IQ isnt about smarts,or ability, just an estimation of what might work. However, when I eventually decided to have a go at joining MENSA, I only just scraped in with an IQ about 135. You can take the same test multiple times and end up with slight variations in score. This keeps a child engaged without having the experience like they are studying. My grandfather had it on my mothers side. No one really, yknow, cares what a child of near-genius level is capable of. Dude, knowledge is NOT the same as intelligence. Pres of the Staff association. I have currently written 4 science fiction books and one on new age/spirituality/ channeling My interests include science, science fiction, Theosophy, trans personal psychology, trans-humanism, pantheism and googology. pls be careful not to hurt others feelings, bragging hurts Trust me, i know from experience- people brag all the time @ my school and i feel sooo stupid :((( so pls just dont brag like that, even if u werent meaning 2 brag. Although all your problems are simple for me, I also have solved one-third of the planets problems although I am unimpressed and you will die because I will not share with the subspecies that cant think correctly about even the most basic things that matter. For your information, they were marine biology textbooks, and I am very interested in that topic. Im currently dating one; some days they are fascinating and you can listen to them talk for hours but some days they are annoying as fuck because they constantly tell you they are smarter than you so they make you feel like shit. He currently lives in Los Angeles, California where he works at UCLA. Mrs.Marilyn I just wanted to know and Im glad I met you thank you for speaking with me, I have a question do you remember me at the feeling station you told me you didnt understand me when I was talking perfect English maybe I was slurring a little bit but you said it was because the music was loud most likely only to not make me feel bad but I like people that is real so tell me how high do you think my IQ is, Garry Kasparov was born in 1963. Who has the highest IQ ever recorded? Here's what we know This American was born into a family of New York City intellectuals. If I met a genius, I wouldnt call them an idiot liar, Id ask for their help, for a small bit of knowledge. Emotional intelligence. Although spoken English doesnt obey the rules of written language, a person who doesnt know the rules thoroughly is at a great disadvantage. Marilyn Vos Savant. If it was a public school, records might be available at the administration offices of the school district, if not on file at the school. I have an IQ of 155 but still make loads of mistakes. Give them a better example by being positive and supportive adults. I mean, I read a lot, but not as much as I used to because Iose interest and get bored really fast now. My IQ has been tested at about 120. , born 1953 Not Mensa standard, but still above average. There have been/are thousands of Gods as you may know. I am not a prodigy. Part of the process of learning the mechanics of speech is practice. Plus understand this just because Darwin and evolution is false in so many ways will never make god real in any way. My youngest brother went the skip grades route. I tested at 138 when I was 9 or 10. All truly intelligent people know this fact; not impacted in any way egocentrically, truly intelligent people are more like a calculator; their brains process the data, and have no emotional attachment to said results (think fictional character, Sheldon Cooper; BBT-fame). There is genius everywhere, not only in the few who can follow the theory of everything (m). Im not in their target demographic, and as such, I dont think they are trying to speak to me.

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what is the highest iq possible