john 5:39 explanation

As a present fact, the Lord justifies the judicial act before their eyes by His relationship with God as His Father, and gives the Jews a sign in the temple of His body, as the witness of His resurrection power. Nicodemus remonstrates but is spurned; all retire to their home Jesus, who had none, to the mount of Olives. * The best text omits other expressions, evidently derived from verses John 1:15; John 1:30John 1:30. The refusal of His precious blood will, on the contrary, make their case incomparably worse than that of the heathen who never heard the good news. In John He is One who could be described as Son of man who is in heaven; but He belonged to heaven, because He was divine. It was not that they were better than their neighbours. It was sabbath-day. We have seen already that thus light was shed on men. John 7:38; John 7:38) And then we have the comment of the Holy Ghost: "(But this spake he of the Spirit, which they that believe on him should receive: for the Holy ghost was not yet given; because that Jesus was not yet glorified)" There is, first, the thirsty soul coming to Jesus and drinking; then there is the power of the Spirit flowing forth from the inner man of the believer in refreshment to others. VERSION, NIV Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica. Therefore, it seems to me, He adds verse 24. The Scriptures teach the way of life, and it is our duty to study them. not the Jews only; for, as far as intelligence went, it was little better with the disciples till He rose from the dead. (Ver. When Jesus said, "You search the Scriptures" (John 5:39), the New Testament had not yet been written; the "Scriptures," which in the original language is (graphas) and literally means "writings," Jesus is referring to is just the Old Testament. This was necessary for the kingdom of God; not for some special place of glory, but for any and every part of God's kingdom. Can You Lose Your Salvation?-17:17 Podcast (Ver. Mateo 5:39 - John Calvin's Commentary on the Bible - Bible Study Man might pull Him down destroy Him, as far as man could, and surely to be the basis in God's hand of better blessing; but He was God, and in three days He would raise up this temple. Partner with as God uses us to make a difference for those displaced by Russia's war on Ukraine. And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven." Of this we learn nothing, here. COMMENTARY ON THE Gospel of St. John by Anonymous $70.39 - PicClick AU 4.16.5 Fixed unsafe RegExp . Knowing the scriptures does not save you. 4.16.6 Fixed npm-shrinkwrap.json support in --update-db (by Geoff Newman). (Verses John 3:1-6), But the Lord goes farther, and bids Nicodemus not wonder at His insisting on this need. When we use the term "Scriptures," we are referring to the entire Bible. he would not. The man could not tell the Jews the name of his benefactor. The brethren of the Lord Jesus, who could see the astonishing power that was in Him, but whose hearts were carnal, at once discerned that it might be an uncommon good thing for them, as well as for Him, in this world. Hence the Lord, while fully owning the labours of all preceding labourers, has before His eyes the whole boundless expanse of grace, the mighty harvest which His apostles were to reap in due time. It was impossible that there should not be righteous dealing with human evil against God, in its sources and its streams. "Ye do search the Scriptures," and ye do well to do so. We look at how God defines salvation and work through the . Nothing in the slightest degree detracted from His own personal glory, and from the infinitely near relationship which He had had with the Father from all eternity. It is no question here of every man, but of such as believe. Both of them were in relation to man on the earth; the one while He was here, the other from above. Alas! There is no other way in which the new nature is made good in a soul. Thus we have here the other side of the truth: not merely what God is in life and light, in grace and truth, as revealed in Christ coming down to man; but man is now judged in the very root of his nature, and proved to be entirely incapable, in his best state, of seeing or entering the kingdom of God. 39 You study[ a] the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. John Hensman on LinkedIn: How Do Wastewater Treatment Plants Work? Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me. This brings all to a point; for the woman says, "I know that Messiah cometh, which is called Christ: when he is come, he will tell us all things." Not only man under law has no health, but he has no strength to avail himself of the blessing that God holds out. "He that hath received his testimony hath set to his seal that God is true. It is His person as incarnate first, then in redemption giving His flesh to be eaten and His blood to be drank. Now there is in Jerusalem by the Sheep Gate a pool, which is called in Hebrew, Bethesda, having five porches. For as the Father hath life in himself, so hath he given to the Son to have life in himself; and hath given him authority to execute judgment also, because he is the Son of man. He tells Philip to follow Him. Luke 5 Commentary | Precept Austin Hence, then, we have the Lord Jesus alluding to this fresh necessity, if man was to be blessed according to God. They had no common thoughts, feelings, or ways with the Father and the Son. Were the Jews zealously keeping the sabbath? John then declared his own waning before Christ, as we have seen, the issues of whose testimony, believed or not, are eternal; and this founded on the revelation of His glorious person as man and to man here below. It is not merely or most of all a great prophet or witness: He is the Son; and the Father has given all things to be in His hand. Luke 5 - Disciples Are Called A. None but a divine being could thus deal with the world. Such was the grace that God was displaying in Him, the true and full expresser of His mind. Grab your favorite trucker hat/baseball cap, and settle in for this episode where Jeff picks Meb Faber's @MebFaber brain on everything from skiing to picking an investment advisor because they can get you on at Riviera Country Club. There He supposes His full rejection and death. His aspect as thus tabernacling among the disciples was "full of grace and truth." The Son gives life, as the Father does; and not merely to whom the Father will, but to whom He will. Here we can see a glimpse of the promise by Jesus of eternal life. Jesus not only could go up, as He did later, but He had come down thence, and, even though man, He was the Son of man that is in heaven. 4. He is a divine person; His manhood brought no attainder to His rights as God. But it is important we should know how He entered the world. Jesus gives us these contrasts - between old and new wine, between old and new garments - and this helps us to understand that the future will not be the same as the present. John 4:46-54 Jesus Heals the Nobleman's Son. John 5:39-42New International Version. But as many as received him, to them gave he power [rather, authority, right, or title] to become children of God." To the Pharisees, indeed, his words as to the Lord are curt: nor does he tell them of the divine ground of His glory, as he had before and does after. McKenna: Moreton situation | Commentary | Flesh and world are judged morally. Then, resuming the strain of verse John 1:14, we are told, in verseJohn 1:16; John 1:16, that "of his fulness have all we received." These are the very Scriptures that testify about me, 40 yet you refuse to come to me to have life. TO-NIGHT (SATURDAY) IYA AUCKLAND (650 k.c. Verse-by-Verse Bible Commentary; John; Verse-by-Verse Bible Commentary John 5. Here, "If any man thirst, let him come unto me and drink." Observe, it is not (as is often very erroneously said or sung) a question of sins, but of the "sin" of the world. There was sentence of death pronounced on their system, and they felt accordingly. Here the Lord introduces the cross. Verse 43. What more glorious proof than that the Holy Ghost is given not a certain defined power or gift, but the Holy Ghost Himself; for God gives not the Spirit by measure! John 7:25-31) He is going where they cannot come, and never guessed (for unbelief thinks of the dispersed among the Greeks of anything rather than of God). Observe, that blessed as the light is, being God's moral nature, truth is more than this, and is introduced by grace. It was meet that so it should be; for, as a question of right, none could claim; and grace surpasses all expectation or thought of man, most of all of men accustomed to a round of religious ceremonial. How singularly is the glory of the Lord Jesus thus viewed, as invested with the testimony of God and its crown! Do I lose my ticket to heaven if I sin too much? How little they conceived of what was then said and done! This would make all manifest. Then He rebukes the carnality of His brethren. The contrasts are as strong, at least, as the resemblance with the healing of the centurion's servant in Matthew 13:1-58 and Luke 7:1-50, which some ancients and moderns have confounded with this, as they did Mary's anointing of Jesus with the sinful woman's in Luke 7:1-50. International Bible Study Forum. One must be born again for God's kingdom a Jew for what was promised him, like another. Then (ver. Thus, manifestly, the whole question is terminated at the very starting-point of our gospel; and this is characteristic of John all through: manifestly all is decided. Hinta: 23,80 . This He does in verses 16-19. Before the manner of His manifestation comes before us in verse 14, we have the secret explained why some, and not all, received Christ. They had the mine, and they dug in that mine in quest of the eternal riches. Bear in mind that one of the points of instruction in this first part of our gospel is the action of the Son of God before His regular Galilean ministry. And He did accept that place thoroughly, and in all its consequences. Yet some, by reason of the unsettled state of their wills, make slower progress in purification than . of Clarke's John 5:39 Bible Commentary Search the Scriptures - . The following section summarises the teaching by which Jesus tried to bring the more favourably disposed of the " Jewish" party to a fuller faith. John 5:39-40 - BibleGateway How blessed the contrast with the people's state depicted in this chapter, tossed about by every wind of doctrine, looking to "letters," rulers, and Pharisees, perplexed about the Christ, but without righteous judgment, assurance, or enjoyment! Man, under law, proved powerless; and the greater the need, the less the ability to avail himself of such merciful intervention as God still, from time to time, kept up throughout the legal system. All is fitly closed by the declaration, that "the Father loveth the Son, and hath given all things into his hand." This is the marked effect on the third day (ver. 2 Now there is . The ignorance of the world has been proved, the rejection of Israel is complete: then only is it that we hear of this new place of children.

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john 5:39 explanation