how to describe fantasy clothing

Both can lose clout simply by the way their peers respond to their wardrobe choices. Dostoyevsky describes how Katerinas landlady, Amalia Ivanovna, dresses for the funeral: the table was properly laid at the time and fixed, and Amalia Ivanovna, feeling she had done her work well, had put on a black silk dress and a cap with new mourning ribbons and met the returning party with some pride. I like the way you wrote this information. Fashion trends come and go and they often return later, albeit in a slightly different form. At a quarter to six, Gem pulled off the low-cut top Emma had wolf-whistled and clappedat when theyd met for their usual weekend catch-up. Do all your characters embrace it? What backstory or character motivations could combinations of appearance and reality suggest? What exactly are you trying to communicate about the character, setting, or situation? is because we get stuck on what things look like. I saw Jesus Christ Superstar a long time ago and Jesus was in a sharp black suit. My story feels like its set more in medieval times, but I don't want my characters running around in full out tunics and. Describing clothing - Creative Writing Forums In reality, a medieval lord could pretty much do what they liked. But if you do want some guidelines, inspiration or just help this guide'll hopefully provide it. Stockings, long gloves, scarves or separate layers of clothing make a huge difference. I tend to avoid describing clothing. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts Maybe your character is snuggled up in their fleece pajamas while the blizzard rages outside. But your reader is going to picture something whether you guide them or not. This can be a very effective way if your universe is based on an existing culture. Let it hang diagonally across their chest and over their shoulder instead. Creating new clothing styles for fictional worlds can be a daunting task, there's just so much out there already and so many elements to play around with to create a fun and unique style, no matter whether the art form is visual or not. So as a way of trying to control them and their behaviour, the code of chivalry and honour was introduced. Blunt, Once quenched, the steel was re-heated to make it more resilient. Tell us how the wool of your protagonists sheath dress scratches the skin on the underside of her arm. What matters more to them: fashion or function? Does it Matter What Your Character Wears? - The Write Practice Some helmets had chain attached which hung around and protected the neck, called an aventail, and most were padded inside, for added comfort. Now on the other end of the spectrum we have fantasy clothing and more history based clothing. The Victorian author Charles Dickens is widely regarded as a master of characterization, for good reason. To discover more awesome ideas, head over to Pinterest and just search for female fantasy armor. You walk down the usual street and suddenly some old memory hits you. Leather could be stitched into coats, or added to mail to provide added protection. Since it's a friends' get-together, let's wear casual attire. But they are a common element used in fantasy clothing in all sorts of works of fiction. Which was, indeed, a little weird straight off! It doesn't exclude those that don't know what a qipao is, nor break immersion for those who do. (Huh.). Help your readers feel the relaxed, organic cotton or the memory foam slipper, and theyll feel your characters priorities deep in their own souls. Make it mandatory to hold up a piece of clothing. Ive always wondered that too! Besides, these are all just guidelines meant to spark some inspiration in you. Also bear in mind that not all clothing descriptions have to be presented as She put on x or He was wearing y. You can draw your readers attention to an item of clothing by having your character draw on their jeans or fiddle with their collar. First and foremost we need to know who we're designing for. If done right you could even use these elements alone with clothing of today to sell a futuristic look. One of her poems is (legally) stamped into a sidewalk in Santa Clarita, California. It illustrates brilliantly the differences between fantasy armor and the boring armor of reality, in this case, Gothic armor. And lets not forget the trusty steed. Borrowed armor wouldnt fit as well as a suit made for the wearer and wouldnt be as well balanced, so someone in borrowed armor would be more likely to have problems moving in his armor. Any suggestions on how to properly do this? I don't mean make your characters walk around naked, but exposing (or covering) body parts in ways we don't today helps make ordinary clothing look different, which in turn helps sell the idea of it being futuristic. The fact the clothes seem to stand by themselves indicates just how heavy they are with jewels and embroidery. Lets take a look at some ways you can develop those unique ideas: In this section, well take a look at some cool pieces of knight armor in fantasy that people have designed over the years, to give you even more inspiration for your own designs. An owl in new ribbons, ha-ha-ha! And if you want more, this documentary is excellent. But Ive also noticed that artful clothing description does make a character, a setting, and even a moment more engaging. One major element that makes creating more futuristic clothing easier is to make sure it doesn't look familiar, to make sure it doesn't look like something you'd come across today. How were women treated in the Middle Ages? What your character wears reveals where they come from, how they rank in society, how they want to be perceived, and even how they feel about themselves. It was pretty easy to make, though laborious, and easy to repair. Adorable. Stiff with embroidery, strewn with pearls, encrusted with gemstones, they seem to stand by themselves. Your articles are always very informative. Think noble King Arthur and his knights of the roundtable. From lowly serfs to great warriors, all could wear and fight effectively in chainmail. If it fits your universe it usually works, so don't be afraid of doing something different. Try some colour. 1. As far as guidelines go this is the first to be broken though, consider this one more of a starting point rather than something to necessarily end on. Pingback: The Life of the Medieval Lord - Richie Billing, Pingback: How To Create Your Very Own Living Breathing Fantasy World - Richie Billing, Pingback: Fantasy Races - The Ultimate Guide To Elves, Orcs and Dwarves | Richie Billing, Pingback: Killer Diseases of the Middle Ages | Richie Billing, Pingback: Medieval Cannons: The Essential Guide | Richie Billing, Pingback: On Writing: Fantasy Without Magic Of Metal and Magic Publishing, Pingback: The Lives Of Medieval Peasants - Richie Billing. In other words: To describe a fantasy world, use either neutral terms, or made up words. Hi Paige, thank you (and thanks for your question). This one is simple, right? Or theyll be living off soda crackers and peanut butter for the next week because they drained their checking account for a suit to impress at their job interview. 2012 - It may be apocryphal, but Harold Godwinson is said to have done just that at the battle of Hastings in 1066. Each suit was tailored to the individual. Only the most sophisticated, Dr. Urbino among them, wore their ordinary clothes. I'll allow my fangirl side to shine for a second and use the Legend of Korra as an example of how mixing styles can work amazingly well. Once quenched, the steel was re-heated to make it more resilient. The fact Gem goes with jeans and a tee could suggest that she trusts her aunts advice. Blend in? ^.^ There are some elements which are common among most works of fiction when it comes to clothing, with these elements in mind it becomes a lot easier to turn the clothing we wear today or wore throughout history into a futuristic or more fantasy oriented equivalent. This is often enough to make something look more futuristic, especially if used on something that looks glossy, shiny and/or smooth. As with body armor, great efforts were made with the designs of helmets. Would the fashion designers in your fantasy novel make use of dragon scales? Stylish. The image you create has to play a role in the narrative.Consider the character arc. And if you dont write historical fiction? Added on top of that the condition that they had to supply him with soldiers too. Your email address will not be published. "Garb" or "dress" (without an article) is a rather drab abstract noun for what a person is wearing. Some wore a trapper a covering of full chain mailand down the line, some horses even had their own plated armor. Its all in the craft.Its good that youre here to learn how to describe clothing in writing, because its a powerful tool. - Christine, on How to describe clothing in a story (with examples), 8 story hook examples (how to grab attention), Story structure examples: How to create payoffs for readers, How to describe to immerse readers (complete guide), How to write deep POV: 8 tips and examples, 9 exposition examples: How to write clear introductions, How to make a plot captivating: 7 strategies, Writing great characters: 5 lessons from modern novels. A band t-shirt. With the major shapes in the thumbnails defined, choose the one that best exemplifies the feeling you're looking for. Clothes can betray our greatest joys and our deepest insecurities. You can immediately show a character is wealthy with descriptions of fine clothing. That works. Only the most powerful strikes could pierce such armor. More on that in a bit. Use the Character section of the Idea Finder to develop quick story ideas and flesh out your storys cast. If you tell your readers about Nanettes light pink cardigan and string of pearls, you dont have to say much about the shoes and skirt and silk blouse. Those warriors came from the people who lived on the lands under the watch of the knights. Are the characters of your dystopian novel forced to make do with burlap and mud? What Clothes Say About Your Characters - The Write Practice Another important function of clothing description in stories is to create an authentic sense of time and place. Using this site means trees will be planted. Examples of the prior are Star Trek, 2001: A Space Odyssey and to some degree Star Wars and Tron. Fancy dresses. I thought if I did that at the beginning of a chapter it would be better but I worry it will turn readers off. Fashionable: Clothes representing a current style in fashion. Because it actually is possible. Delighted to hear youre finding this useful. You can try all Dabbles premium features for free for fourteen days. A self-conscious kid tries to disappear inside their oversized sweatshirt. They work, they're safe and in many cases have become a standard. Chest plates had grand etchings. for any particular parts of an outfit. The senses were deadened: sight limited, sound muffled, breathing stifled (depending on the type of helmet). An owl, a real owl! Also, don't feel like you have to include every point I've made. Dont worry, thats not a trick question. Id be willing to bet each of these items immediately brought to mind a semi-clear character. Join Kickstart your Novel and get professional feedback on your first three chapters and story synopsis, plus workbooks and videos. Do they need a ghillie suit to blend into the natural environment? Describe these in passing to add visual colour and authenticity to your character descriptions. The bully Gradgrind is the type whod wear a waistcoat concealing an eyeglass for catching people out. Creative Words to Describe Outfit & Clothing - INK Other elements you could include are mood-based changes (exists today), clothing that uses lights or glowing elements (exists today), clothing that can be repaired or changed on the go (exists today), smart technology woven into the fabric of clothing (exists today), changing colors (think chameleons) whenever you feel like it (exists today, kind of). In pre-thermometer times this was difficult as you can imagine, so instead, armorers observed the colour of the heated steel. But it can also be fun to play with the confidence and ease that comes with wealth. How to describe scenery ? : r/fantasywriters - Think of other interesting combinations: A teacher who dresses provocatively; a beggar with an innate sense of style. If you want futuristic fantasy simply follow the sci-fi/futuristic tips more or mix and match both sides. Characters can also comment on or react to one anothers clothing, as long as the exchange reveals something about the world or relationship. They mixed more traditional Asian styles with the more Western Industrial Revolution period styles. Given that I am writing alone in my apartment, you might rightfully conclude that my goal is to be comfortable. Jeans and a tee it was. For a bigger image, just click on the link above. That decorative belt? Some had pointed snouts, the purpose of which was to deflect arrows when walking into arrow storms. Black and white usually does the trick as well. It was my understanding that they quenched in oil, not water. And well dip back in time to look at medieval armor and how it was used and crafted. And if you need a place to organize your complex responses, I recommend Dabbles Character Notes feature. These shallow details help us go pretty deep on character. They looked something like this: One of the main defensive strengths of plated armor came from its curved design, which deflected both blades and arrows. Or it could be that they want to be charmed by their own image when they look in the mirror. Hello, I am attempting to write my first fantasy novel (and my first novel), and I'm having difficulty visualizing what kind of clothes my characters should be wearing. Helmets were arguably the most distinctive feature of an armored knight. Only in certain situations is a description even needed. Heres a superb glossary, with pictures, of all types of armor. Reeking of piss on the battlefield was another weapon in the arsenal I suppose. Ragged clothing description generator - Fantasy name generators This description generator will create a mostly random description of either a dress or a suit, fit for formal occasions and other fancy needs. The more outlandish the fantasy species your character is the more outlandish you can usually be with clothing, but familiarity is usually still a solid ground for a realistic feel, even if the universe and the creatures are completely unrealistic. Chain mail is a great piece of fantasy armor to use in your stories purely because of its flexibility. I'm talking about the jagged, triangular shapes you find on some stealth planes or the digital camouflage patterns. Get free books, an invite to my exclusive writing group, writing tools and guides and much more when you join my community. Impoverished with children to care for, she uses her last money to give her husband a dignified funeral. The appearance of armor was a big deal for knights. 50+ Fashion Terms: Fundamental Words Related to Style This is further influenced/confirmed by the show Forged in Fire where the judges were a half step from putting their heads in their hands when a smith put his hot blade in water instead of oil to cool it down. Besides knowing who we design for we also have to know what the rules for designing are within the universe of our characters. I would be great to expand it with armor from other areas, Samurai armor, for example. How to Analyze a Fashion Collection - Bloomsbury Fashion Central It's also an indirect way to describe their physical appearance by examining how the clothes fit them. It took leaving the Midwest to recognize it. Now, for the feedbackit depends what POV you're writing in. Or one who was forever wearing poorly-fitted clothing that appeared to be handed down from friends? You find that its about more than throwing out fashion terms and listing articles of clothing. You can keep track of your characters signature style, upload photos, note how their style evolves, and keep these ideas right at your fingertips as you write. Finally there's the aspect of fashion to take into account. Not a Dabble user? By using fur for decoration you quickly create fictional pieces in no time. The answer can guide you towards certain fashion trends to inspire your characters wardrobe. Helpful links to blog posts, articles, videos and guides are shared every day. As for showing with clothing rather than telling, a writer could say, He was lazy and inattentive to his appearance about a character, or they could say his clothes always looked like hed just pulled them out of a pile in some corner of his bedroom and had thrown them on without a glance in the mirror. This includes things like a pilots uniform, a tiara, or a Pink Ladies jacket. They can tell us what era they live in, and even a persons current state of mind or intent. SHIRT AND PANTS | Shoes made with bendable displays already exist, allowing you to change your shoe's design on the fly. List of Medieval Clothing (91 terms!) - The Medieverse: Tim's Realistic s a fantastic image that Thomas Feichtmeir, AKA Cyangmou has put together. You could introduce magical enchantments or ability-granting traits. Showing what your characters are wearing can be a great way to show your readers what they might be up to that day without having to actually narrate anything. I tried to add as much variety as possible, but without turning the whole description into a mess. Technology goes beyond simply what kind of clothes could be made though, it also relates to how technology is incorporated into style in general. Mail was one of the first types of metal armor developed, arguably by the Celts, though other sources say its origins came from Eastern Europe. Send private message Achievements: Need help with clothing description in Fantasy #1 I'm writing a Fantasy Novel in the middle ages, filled with swords and magic However, I realize I have trouble trying to convey how the characters look, like what the nobles' attire, the bandit's armor. The aim is to arm you with what you need to enrich your tales with brilliant detail. Nylon and polyester fabrics weren't invented until almost the mid 20th century for example. Characters wear more than just clothes. Particularly in genres such as historical fiction and fantasy, clothing can help to create other worlds (or a long gone era of our own). You can continue to alter it to add cultural elements, like the previously mentioned elvish elements or you could stick with this and keep it simple. Play with the question of presentation and power! Other clothing pieces could be various types of hats and scarves, (trench) coats and even something as simple as pockets or buttons used for fastening rather than as decoration to name just a few. Describing armor and clothing. : r/writing - reddit These were worn on their own by those wanting greater speed and flexibility, but also by those unable to afford stronger armor. How to Give Your Characters Style: Describing Clothing in Writing Written by MasterClass Last updated: Aug 19, 2021 3 min read Creating vivid descriptions for a story or character is a mark of a great writer. If your protagonist is donning a tri-cornered hat, loosening a corset, or strutting through town in a new toga, your reader has a good sense of time period. Heres how to describe clothing in writing to show your readers the world to which your character belongs. and our Whether its a matter of indulgence or survival, feeling good is a deeply relatable goal. - Use nudity. That cloth ribbon tied around their waist? Heres a cool video on making leather fantasy armor by YouTuber, Prince Armory. Using a squared, pixelated look or circuitry patterns usually works great too, which can even be combined with layered clothing to create the circuitry feel. Give your wealthy character a pair of Louboutins and dress your non-wealthy characters in hand-me-downs. Odds are, youve got a character who dresses to stay alive. If youre good at talking clothes, you can sit this one out. As such, the contemporary tales that have followed, like Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones, Dungeons and Dragons and everything in between, have paid homage to that era.

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how to describe fantasy clothing