vohne liche kennels lawsuit

2001). is heard, alerting the dog to its target. You have permission to edit this article. 1997). In the three I did watch, the suspects were clearly surrendered and standing or sitting still when out of nowhere the dogs attack. On June 11, before the release of this video on July 25, the Tippecanoe County prosecutor requested a special prosecutor to investigate three Lafayette officers -- K-9 handler, Sgt. As for crappy dog training practises, unless a dog will OUT 100% of the time (toys, food etc) it shouldnt begin training for bite work. The primary goals of a police K-9 are to decrease escalation (as the case of K-9 Axel shows), to assist officers in apprehension and to immobilize suspects who resist arrest by biting and holding one of the suspect's extremities. He also alleged a 42 U.S.C. Corp. v. Corneal Consultants of Ind., P.C., 841 N.E.2d 1181, 1188 (Ind. Police Dogs Should Be Trained as Officers, Not Equipment Even their handlers cant handle them! Vohne Liche Kennels does not account for thin nerves, or dogs with extreme levels of dominance, or those relationship dogs that are held in balance by play and genuine affection in addition to respecting the strong dog knowing what hill you wish to die on, and what you dont. Virginia's highest court has overturned a homeowners association's lawsuit victory. Collecting the volume of K-9 attacks on undeserving people, including attacks on their own handlers, quickly overwhelmed us. - United States Attorney Thomas L. Kirsch II. Hammond, IN 46320, Telephone: (219) 937-5500 If excessive force cases involving police K-9s continue to escalate, taxpayers will grow angrier at funding the resulting lawsuits. Maybe the movement should be aware of the injuries caused by these dogs. 177, 180 (S.D. Web: Visit our main web site at VohneLiche.com. It also inflated the number of labor hours performed in Afghanistan by the FSRs. VLK then moved for an award of costs, including $5,525 for trial transcripts from Miller's first lawsuit. ", [This trainer also pointed us to videos showing solid K-9 take downs and clean Outs. 1993)). Here is a similar (new style) dog training video, speaking about agitation by soft choking the dog. Next: I recall national news stories about how police K-9 handlers are forced to be required to shoot their own trained K-9s when their own K-9 attacks its own handler. of Ind., LLC v. Hobart City of Common Council, 406 F.3d 926, 929 (7th Cir. I doubt if this always occurs. The relation back date was "two years after his claim accrued under the discovery rule." Vohne Liche and AWD, Mr. Miller claims, are responsible for his injury because they inadequately trained the police dog that alerted on his car. Some of our Many Services, "VLK delivers some great dogs to the historic Rikers Island for the New York Department of Corrections.". Yet the thrust of Mr. Miller's claim in this case and in the Northern District litigation is that the police dog gave a false positive on his car in violation of the Fourth Amendment. Quiet: That still goes on at protests across North America. The show focuses on the intense working environment of Vohne Liche Kennels, a rural Indiana training facility that produces a large portion of the country's police and military dogs. Defendants argue that Mr. Miller lacks standing to seek injunctive relief. It was touted as the way Seaworld trains the sea mammals. The main difference between this case and the Northern District litigation is the theory of the violation and choice of defendant. Was the dog properly deployed? We encourage you to watch the full 16-minutes to understand the whole context. There are buckets of articles about cadaver dogs that cant find a corpse in a graveyard and drug sniffers that cant tell the difference between bacon and bennies. I will mention that known cases where trained police K-9s cause unwanted and excessive injury number among the small minority. Yes. I remember seeing info on a couple of dog attacks in Canada when the K9s were released to seek a suspicious person but found an innocent bystander and mauled them. The following facts are undisputed. The Lafayette police K-9 "neck attack" fell squarely within worldwide protests due to the disproportionate police violence inflicted on Black men. Using dogs for protection work this way is, as far as Im concerned, is overtly abusive to the dog and dangerous to humans. All of the training staff is either former military, law enforcement or both. He did these big flashy demos before selling crap dogs to Brittney Spears for $50,000 a piece. It was very effective. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7QlZZ3309lw. In July, Lafayette Police Chief Patrick Flannelly denied a request from the Journal & Courier to inspect the bite records for Boyka during its nearly six years of service with the department. "A Star Tribune review of six years worth of St. Paul police dog bite reports showed that officers lost control of their K-9s on occasion, dogs regularly apprehended people with no instruction from handlers and that some bystanders were attacked while officers were following common practices." UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF INDIANA INDIANAPOLIS DIVISION. They crank the dogs way too high in training while not practicing any control whatsoever and this is how it all goes sideways. Go back to Barbra Woodhouse (who, hilariously enough trained Great Danes for police work, none of which every hospitalised a target) and Kohler who *knew* the dangers of the dogs he trained and knew most dogs were *not* naturally inclined to be good at this job as theyd buckle or overreact under the pressure. You mean you didnt get dragged down the street by a dog in a harness while you waved bacon bits around as it mangled the neighbours poodle and then their granny? I cant speak to his motivation. The K-9 attack resulted in these bites, which could have been fatal. That is a very strong indicator this K-9 has a history of inappropriate bites, as we would expect a "neck biter" to have. Thanks. Lastly, the "partnership relationship" between an officer and K-9 are rarely seen in videos today. And, of course, theres the Birmingham police departments use of dogs against peaceful civil rights protestors back in the 1960s. Police/protection dogs are far more prevalent in some places as well as training has changed. Its an important one, and another case of dogs bred for completely useless and destructive behaviors, then placed in the hands of the people least able to control their own worst instincts. Maybe Im an idiot, or old-school or something but this is very simple to me. The dog remained on active duty afterward. "Awesome partnership between the world's finest! 1996). The dogs are trained for life or death scenarios, including tracking suspects, drug discovery and bomb detection. He alleged that Vohne Liche inadequately trains drug-detection dogs, and as a result, the dogs are improperly certified by AWD. Protection trained dogs are potentially deadly weapons. If a handler is so incompetent that the dog will not even do a basic heel, they are not competent enough to handle one that will attack on command. Vohne Liche Kennels 7953 N Old Rte 31 Denver, IN 46926 (P) 765-985-2274 (F) 765-985-2595 Email General questions: [email protected] Online Store: [email protected] Back to Top 2023 Vohne Liche Kennels Tweets by @@KennyLicklider https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CU-BtaVxQMY. It was so obviously low-quality dog handling. Dont kid yourselves. Recently, Vohne Liche was forced to pay $1.35 million to the U.S. Department of Defense for fraudulently submitting claims for labor hours for trainers. Vohne Liche Kennels - YouTube Malis are too high drive and once turned ON they often wont turn OFF. The Defense Criminal Investigative Service will continue to aggressively pursue companies such as Vohne Liche Kennels that increase profits by exploiting DoD contracts through false claims, said Cynthia Bruce, Special Agent in Charge, DCIS Southeast Field Office. Though initially conscious, Bailey will later be placed into a medically induced coma. A plaintiff seeking an injunction, such as Mr. Miller seeks here, must show a significant likelihood and immediacy of sustaining some direct injury. K-9 star in 'Dog' trained at Vohne Liche Kennels Because ultimately it costs more in the long run to pay out on lawsuits. In 2016, another dog trained in apprehension and bite work, a retired police K-9, attacked two people, killing one in San Luis Obispo County, California. Home [www.vlkennels.com] Holy sh*t. Theyre allowed to use potentially lethal force on belligerent drunks now? Theres the nail on the head right there Colleen. Vohne Liche Kennels (Explosive and Narcotic Detection Dog Specialist) Capabilities VLK is an unprecedented training facility. Erickson also had outstanding warrants for a DUI and mischief cases. With some of these dogs now targeting the head and neck regions, these lawsuits are one step away from wrongful death lawsuits as well. O'Regan v. Arbitration Forums, Ins., 246 F.3d 975, 983 (7th Cir. Because: Was this excessive force? Yes. "He certainly wasn't posing an imminent threat of violence or harm to anyone and he certainly wasn't concealed." One, the use of police and military dogs -- the attack dog industry -- exploded after 9-11, which impacted the breeding and training of these dogs. Pro se litigants must receive proper notice regarding the meaning and consequences of a summary judgment motion, but must still adhere to the dictates of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. Vohne Liche is doing a huge business with some pretty huge disasters without any reflection on their overall reputation. Mr. Miller contends that once he learned of Vohne Liche existence "efforts to stonewall discovery of information concerning VLK's training regime began in earnest, triggering the fraudulent concealment doctrine" (Dkt. Contact us - Vohne Liche With over 600 acres, Vohne Liche Kennels has an unparalleled facility for dog training, and the events at the Olympics are designed to simulate what working dogs and handlers might experience. As such, the Court need not reach the merits of Mr. Miller's motion. Police/protection work is not a good fit for 90% of large dogs, even those bred for it. Id. Was this dog properly deployed on Bailey? No. Josh Saxton, police K-9 Boyka and Richard Bailey Jr. of City of Chi., Ill., 267 F.3d 723, 727 (7th Cir. Drug Dog Suit Filed Against Indiana Cities | Liar Catchers Blog 1:12-cv-00054-TWP-TAB (S.D. And then, it may wind up being temperamentally unsuited and all that money is down the crapper. It is not usual police or K-9 training to point a dog at anything but the extremities." Photo of a German Shepherd in 1925. Federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies have contracted with Vohne Liche Kennels for their training needs. Im not sure if the bulking up of GSDs is responsible for the hip problems. For the reasons set forth below, Defendants' Motion for Summary Judgment (Dkt. The sad part is, the failing dogs might be perfectly suited to do something else with the correct retraining (such as cage release or property guards) the same way failed seeing eye dogs are often amazing companion dogs. Pit bulls contributed to 66% (346) of these deaths. You paid for some cheapo course that didnt last for years and worked in a month or so because the instructions were simple and clear? The dog appears to perform a clean "Out" too (see full video). The dynamic partnership and Richardson's control over his K-9 is stunning. Miami County dog shines in 2022 Hollywood filmClick to view YouTube VideoABC News Article. In June 2011, the judge in the Northern District litigation conducted an in camera review of defendants' attorney's correspondence with Vohne Liche and discovered that Vohne Liche failed to produce responsive material to Mr. Miller's September 7, 2010 request. Heck no! In the context of considering whether the two-year statute of limitations for those actions had expired, the court explained that the defendant could amend his complaint, i.e., the Rule 41(g) motion, to add a Bivens or 1983 claim, and the addition would relate back to the original filing that was within the applicable statute of limitations. 1983 claim, seeking compensatory and punitive damages as well as injunctive relief. I cant pretend to know anything about how a police dog or a service dog is trained. Trainers have forgotten the basics and if you cant instil those because as a trainer you are incompetent or the dog is just too stupid and/or temperamentalthat dog should be flunked, even if it is a 10k Mali. Two, when it comes to police "brutality" in K-9 attacks, it is often a "mentality." VLK has trained Police and Military Service Dogs for over 5000 law enforcement and government agencies to include the; National Security Agency (NSA) Polk County, FL. Mr. Miller filed this lawsuit on January 13, 2012 against fifty-three defendants, including numerous municipalities and political subdivisions. And, rather than amend his complaint in the Northern District when he became aware of Defendants in October 2011, Mr. Miller chose to wait to file the current action in a this Court. I email some of them to Colleen. A well-trained dog doesnt *bite* until told or the handler is incapacitated. It is NOT OK to loose a dog like that unless it is truly life and death. I.C.C., 900 F.2d 1023, 1026 (7th Cir. KEVIN D. MILLER, Plaintiff, v. VOHNE LICHE KENNELS, INC., and AMERICAN WORKING DOGS UNITED, INC., Defendants. I found this confusing and I found fat dogs. Indiana State Police confirmed they were investigating the officers for possible excessive force in the arrest of Richard Bailey Jr., during which Saxton's police K-9 mauled Bailey's neck, causing life-threatening injuries. Sierakowski v. Ryan, 223 F.3d 440, 443 (7th Cir. Police units all but moved away from GSDs citing back and hip issues from jumping in and out of resulting in these dogs not lasting as long in service. Norfolk's motion under Rule 41(g) was denied and he filed a renewed motion requesting monetary compensation including arguments under the Federal Tort Claims Act and the Tucker Act. Ind. "VLK delivers some great dogs to the historic Rikers Island for the New York Department of Corrections. Some context for this quotation is instructive. A local dog whose handler was killed was half GSD/half Malinois. That is not supposed to be the intent of police K-9s; the intent is to immobilize "dangerous" offenders. Police dogs in the USA get most of their training overseas. Vohne Liche Kennels has purchased dogs from vendors in Europe for 25 plus years. Vohne Liche Kennels has agreed to pay $1,350,000 to resolve the United States claims under the False Claims Act for fraudulently submitting claims for labor hours for trainers and FSRs involved in the TEDD program. You are a liability magnet. A good dog would be calm, awaiting commands. IMHO, the dog should have been shot the minute it latched on to the guys neck. 227) is GRANTED and Mr. Miller's Partial Motion for Summary Judgment (Dkt. Then, theres zero guarantee the dog handler will abide by the consistency of training that the trainer worked to instil. The attack begins at 8:28. Id. If the plaintiff does not have standing, there is no case or controversy, and the court does not have jurisdiction over the claims. At the root of this and so many of our problems is the dog worship culture. You nailed it, Terry. 3 "We will not tolerate dishonest contractors who seek to enrich themselves at the expense of federal taxpayers." - United States Attorney Thomas L. Kirsch II. Occasionally, someone with good media contacts might get a story in about how their dog died in the jaws of a dog but when I was dog trainingI heard about it a lot more back then. 179.) You are going to get sued. We invite you to browse through our store and shop with confidence. Stop it. As Saxton leads the dog back to his cruiser, he continues to say, "Stop, stop" to the dog. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2007-2023 DogsBite.org | Published by Lynn Media Group, DogsBite.org is a national dog bite victims' group dedicated to reducing serious dog attacks. As we collected more cases, it became difficult to ignore the many videos of police being unable to call their K-9s off people -- in one case the officer screamed "Off" 18 times to no avail -- as well as the dogs being used as a proxy for excessive force (see unblurred version).1, "If you can't control your dog, you're a liability. 1998). Well-trained K9s are very expensive. The facts of Mr. Miller's alleged injury were indisputably known to him on May 14, 2008, regardless of whether he knew about this particular legal theory or the specific defendants. If you go to hashtag bluefall on twitter, they have many more. Id. Thanks Richard. Loudoun County family to sue public schools over 'negligence' in Required fields are marked *. To provide you with the best canine and/or training available! It means that Pitbull owners are aware that one bite, and their dog is euthanized, no second chancescausing them to act more carefully although they still refuse to muzzle their dogs. 1983 would still fail and Mr. Miller would have no relief because his claims are barred by the relevant statute of limitations. Note that he cant seem to get the dog off until he turns his back to the camera. Miller v. Vohne Liche Kennels, Inc. - casetext.com Single Purpose - Vohne Liche Kennels Traffic stop leads to lawsuit | Local news | kokomotribune.com Watch where the dog is biting him. Assuming for the sake of argument that Mr. Miller's contentions are correct and Vohne Liche and AWD inadequately train drug-detection dogs, Mr. Miller's claim for compensatory and punitive damages under 42 U.S.C. This was contrasted from the plaintiff who is ignorant "of the fact of his injury or its cause," whether because the injury has not manifested itself or "the facts about causation may be in the control of the putative defendant, unavailable to the plaintiff or at least very difficult to obtain." 226) the Court addressed the similar issue of whether Mr. Miller had standing to seek injunctive relief against former Defendant Paul E. Whitesell. Assistant United States Attorney WayneT.Ault handled the settlement negotiations. Miller v. Vohne Liche Kennels, Inc. - Casetext See Greer v. Bd. HAMMOND - United States Attorney Thomas L. Kirsch II announced today a pre-suit settlement under the False Claims Act for false claims payable under a U.S. Department of Defense Contract for the Tactical Explosive Detection Dogs Program. The pre-suit settlement comes after Vohne Liche Kennels was sub-contracted in 2011 by the DOD to provide personnel, equipment, materials and supervision for the creation and operation of a training program for military handlers and dogs called Tactical Explosive Detection Dogs (TEDDs). During the traffic stop, a drug-detection dog was led around Mr. Miller's vehicle. Police will eventually be forced to hand over these records to Bailey's attorneys. Mr. Miller has moved for partial summary judgment against Vohne Liche seeking to resolve substantive questions of law relevant to his damages claim. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS 2006). Jonathon Newsome of Dallas, Texas, works with a canine during training at Vohne Liche Kennels in Denver, Ind. The FSRs monitored the activities of the newly-trained TEDD handlers and dogs to reinforce and improve their techniques. High 47F. the moving party is entitled to judgment as a matter of law." (I have nothing against properly used prongs for training). Been saying that protection dog handling practises are horrifying for *decades*. Personnel Ken Licklider - Vohne Liche Im pretty sure Howie, the owner, did a LOT of scenario training as well. (quoting Fager v. Hundt, 610 N.E.2d 246, 251 (Ind. Welcome to Vohne Liche Kennels. Drunk driving is a crime, but compare the damage this guy could have done on a MOPED compared to the average SUV. Official websites use .gov Or a police dog for $20,000. Then the case of Spencer Erickson, 26, in Lakewood, Colorado emerged. The FSRs monitored the activities of the newly-trained TEDD handlers and dogs to reinforce and improve their techniques. These assholes will buy point and shoot dogs from people that dont speak a word of English. Thanks for covering one of my favourite rant topics Colleen! Watch how often when police are walking their K9s the dogs are *not* heeling. The two proceeded into a potentially highly confrontational scenario, where no bite event occurs. So thats one fatality and one very close call from Vohne Liche Kennels. By 9:49, officers are saying "We need medics now!" The film opened in theaters Feb. 18. Two years earlier, K-9 Finn had attacked an officer during a training exercise, biting him on the face and neck. LMPD officers Maverick, Ripley, and Luna participated in the 2021 K9 Olympics, taking place at Vohne Liche Kennels in Denver, Indiana. Most such cases are unknown, because they go unreported by official sources and because they go unreported by news media sources and therefore are never brought to public attention. He had several options at this point. During 2010, the DOD saw an increased demand for military working dog teams in support of the U.S. Armys mission in Afghanistan, which prompted the creation of the TEDDs program. There was a problem saving your notification. Perhaps an Excel sheet tracking those would produce another set of stats? The dog belonged to the child's stepfather, who was the director of Vohne Liche Kennels Executive and Family Protection. The K9 Olympics: Vohne Liche Kennels - Unleashed - YouTube Concluding that the plaintiff did not have standing to seek an injunction, the Supreme Court explained: Because Mr. Miller has not shown a reasonable probability that he will suffer harm in the future, he does not have standing to obtain an injunction against AWD. The military said it specifically needed the capability of off-leash explosive detection. Claims brought under 1983 are governed by the statute of limitations for personal injury actions in the state where the purported injury occurred. Co., 957 F. Supp. 14-1798 (7th Cir. All of the defendants have drug-detection dogs trained by Vohne Liche Kennels Inc. of Denver, Ind., which also was sued. Hi Boni, Yes, that is email. The recent felony charge against Salt Lake K-9 Officer Nickolas Pearce marks the first time we have seen this after an active duty police K-9 mauling. "There are no human rights in these countries, which could influence the training style to skew towards a high level of aggression/lethal bite targeting of head and neck." I trained dogs with choke chains as they are and effective tool. Thank you for visiting. Its not over, yet. After watching numerous videos on YouTube now where the officers cannot get the dogs off I am left with one question. Just search Police Dogs and Protests and watch how wound up the dogs are. ." A lock ( Of 40 hospital admission severe maulings per day in the USA, only very few are reported to the public. Watching the body cam video should make you weep. 2009). Thanks for covering this topic. "CRAZY DOMINANT POSSESSIVE Eastern Bloc dog with no respect of his handler dog redirected on the cop. 2001) (quoting Hendricks-Robinson v. Excel Corp., 154 F.3d 685, 692 (7th Cir. Sh*t happens, but a responsible cop would have got the dog off when it latched on to the guys neck, even if it meant killing it. Through our work, we hope to protect both people and pets from future attacks. Here, the facts known to Mr. Miller-such as the existence of this theory as early as November 2009-even from the viewpoint of a pro se plaintiff, were sufficient to indicate discovery of his claims against Vohne Liche and AWD. No state or federal agency is in charge of tracking police K-9 bite data either. Vohne Liche Kennels is located along U.S. 31 about 14 miles north of Peru, and is one of the largest training facilities in the world for police and military K-9s. The district court agreed with VLK. (See Dkt. Contrary to what it appears to the normal eye in that video grabbing the dog by the collar at the sides and shaking it is also a technique called agitating the dog and the reason is to *excite the dog to bite harder* not to force a release. When the dog didnt OUT on the first command, why did they not HANG THE DOG until it let go? The problem with Bouviers and Rottweilers are, although they are far more temperamentally suited in many cases, they tend to be one-person dogs and it is costly to train a dog where it needs to be with the handler from puppyhood (or at least 10-11 months) and trained with the handler for another year to get the best result. In particular, he asserts that Defendants' failed to produce a manual in response to the non-party discovery requests. 226). Sierakowski, 223 F.3d at 443 (quoting O'Shea v. Littleton, 414 U.S. 488, 495 (1974)). 1999). Should the handler have been promoted? Saxton was given sole ownership of this dog -- removing any future liability to the city. It got to the point where just the quick pull and noise would make my dog heel. That we know of anyway! (Rude kids are no fun either. "One can't file a suit against a nonexistent party, although one may be able to invoke a tolling rule to delay suing if it is not possible even with the exercise of due diligence to identify the injurer." "Non NATO/UN countries sell these dogs the cheapest," she said.

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vohne liche kennels lawsuit