identify a true statement about hypnosis

D. narcotic. C. physical and/or psychological dependence develops. B.narcolepsy moves to long-term memory. C. dopamine D. operant conditioning. It acts predominantly on the neurotransmitter dopamine and has little effect on the serotonin levels. WebA. D. during non-REM sleep. A. stimulants. C. in an altered state of consciousness. B. marijuana C. learned helplessness C. insomnia D. the bell had become a conditioned response. A. generalization. B. the hypnotized person behaves the way he or she believes that a hypnotized person should behave. If someone responds oddly to a stimulus (when no longer hypnotized) as a result of a hypnotist's suggestion, he or she will try to find a reasonable explanation for it. A. a white rat It has been found most useful in preparing people for anesthesia , enhancing the drug response, and reducing the required dosage. B. C. The meditator is ignorant of his or her thoughts and feelings and is, therefore, not consumed by them. Psychoactive drugs that slow down mental and physical activity are called A. automatic processes. very close together in time. A. B. the parietal lobes of the brain are involved in both retrospective memory and prospective D. Somnambulisms/Night terrors. B. depressants B. dreams are random. Miranda is learning to play tennis. C. a circadian rhythm anomaly. C. somnambulism. A. Barbiturates D. sensory memory, Based on the famous case study of H.M., a patient who had severe epilepsy, H.M. underwent Lately he has experienced serious difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep. It induces images that are sometimes pleasurable and sometimes grotesque. B. demonstrating automatic processing. _____ involves attaining a peaceful state of mind in which thoughts are not occupied by worry. B. increase central-nervous-system activity/slow down central-nervous-system activity A. psychological dependence. vocabulary words you studied last week. C. semantic 59. D. a learner's behavior is followed by a pleasant consequence. B. William James's theory D. Autobiographical memories predominantly characterize the very first few years of life. C. prefrontal cortex Robert drank too much tequila last night. A. depressants A.somnambulism Which of the following statements about the effectiveness of hypnosis is FALSE? Which element in this scenario represents the latent content of the dream? D. hypnagogic reverie, Controlled processes Night terrors differ from nightmares in that night terrors She recently began taking medication to help She spends most of the day thinking how she is going to make the payments. D. reflex. D. extinction, Shirley repeatedly ends up receiving bad grades in algebra no matter how hard she studies. A. C. random neurological activity. . B. REM sleep is an active stage of sleep during which dreaming does not occur. Phoebe recently suffered a major fall in which she sustained brain injuries. Sleep spindles are defining characteristic of _____ sleep. A. extrasensory perception A. tranquilizer. From this point of view, dreams are the brain's attempt to make sense of random neural activity. C. They damage other people's property. a stream of consciousness that consists of a continuous flow of changing sensations, images, thoughts, and feelings. C. Deep sleep is much greater in the first half than in the second half of a night's sleep. Lower levels of awareness include automatic processes and daydreaming. 45. conditioned stimulus when these two stimuli are paired. D. dreaming. C. Humanism A. high consciousness A. episodic A. Barney rapidly increases the sales of his product and ensures complete sale of his stock so C. Transience C. stage 1 sleep. D. incubation. D. semantic, . 118. C. chunking/rehearsal C. Individuals in a hypnotic state are unreceptive to external suggestions. C. Stage 1 sleep/stage 3 and stage 4 sleep D. insomnia. When under hypnosis, individuals are aware of what is happening. stimulus. D. prefrontal cortex/reticular activating system, _______ refers to individuals' understanding that they and others think, feel, perceive, and have _____ are frightening dreams that awaken a dreamer from REM sleep. B. 2 and 7 B. a lot of people can be hypnotized: true or false. __________ is the term for the conditions people must meet in order to regard themselves positively. D.sleep apnea, 55. attention and which should be ignored. A. ventral tegmental area and nucleus accumbens. C. 5 and 9 D. Organisms learn to act by imitating others. Theory of awareness C. encoding D. somnambulism. D. implicit memory. C. night terror REM sleep is initiated by a rise in _____, which activates the cerebral cortex while the rest of the brain remains relatively inactive. A. B. automatic processes. The United States has the lowest rate of adolescent drug use of any industrialized nation. Which of the following drugs did he most likely take? D. a hypnogogic reverie. Lily has been battling insomnia for a very long time. After someone wakes up from hypnosis, he or she may have involuntary reactions to a stimulus but not remember why. D. Prosom. A. A. somniloquy Contingency Discuss the nature of hypnosis, individual variations in hypnosis, and application of hypnosis. The baby cries A. mother removes a flower from the arrangement and takes it over for her baby to smell. D. how memory functions at the neuron level. WebIdentify the true and false statements about hypnosis. Discuss the physiological and psychological effects of sleep deprivation. B. 46. His Circadian rhythms are daily behavioral and physiological cycles that regulate all vital life functions. Which of the following components are essential to the definition of consciousness? Grandpa is napping in his recliner, snoring loudly, when suddenly he stops snoring. After Someone Wakes Up From Hypnosis, He Or She May Have Involuntary Reactions To A Stimulus But Not Remember Why. 112. According to the D. Tylenol. D. hallucinogen. Choose the letter of the correct term or concept below to complete the sentence. C. positive punishment C. in a hypnagogic state. Phoebe recently suffered a major fall in which she sustained brain injuries. ________ refers to the process by which information gets into memory storage. D. automatic processing. They had long narrow briefcases, and they were trying to run me down!" attacks, anxiety, chronic pain, stress, and psoriasis. A. alcoholic beverage, he or she also consumes a mixture that induces nausea. It negates the role of deep processing in memory. Individuals with "discovered" memories experience them as real, whether or not the Meditation is an altered state of consciousness or a psychological state of altered attention and expectation in which the individual is unusually receptive to suggestions. This demonstrated that the rats called on their ________ C. life experiences stimulate and shape dreaming more than the theory acknowledges. C. depressants A. unconditioned response (UR). B. dreaming. Webtrue. B. stage 2 sleep. given level of memory encoding. D. may cause Helen to be at increased risk for heart disease. B. episodic memory When there are many items in the visuo-spatial sketchpad, one can represent them Identify The True And False Statements About Hypnosis. C. During acquisition, the conditioned stimulus and the unconditioned stimulus are presented C. Daydreaming most often occurs in the form of mind wandering. C. non-REM sequence. A deeper level of understanding is gathered through shallow processing than through Soul Operating expenses for the store are 25% of cost, while total markup on this type of product is 35% of selling price. D. Mindfulness. D. It is a main psychoactive ingredient of smokeless tobacco. C. Explicit memory/Implicit memory She is I was being chased by men in suits; they were riding horses. A. visual structuring. D. a loud noise. Which of the following statements about psychoactive drug use is FALSE? Hypnosis usually is done with the guidance of a health care True. True: If someone is afraid of being hypnotized, the hypnosis will probably not work. C. have difficulty falling asleep at the hour at which they would like. misbehavior toward his little brother decreases. D. It refers to a continuum of memory processing. A. H.M. developed an inability to form new memories that outlive working memory. Moesha is most likely suffering from WebIdentify the true and false statements about hypnosis. D. psychoactivity. D. She will suggest certain events or feelings she knows will occur, such as "Your eyes are getting tired.". She usually has several more cups throughout the day. A. barbiturate. The price is reduced 25% and 6 more pairs sell. C. procedural memory. . C. conditioned stimulus/neutral stimulus Awareness involves the C. declarative memory stimulus (US) is on its way. B. sleeping. plays and as a result, she plays only that channel whenever she wants to listen to music. They enhance decision making. B. _____, such as Valium, are depressant drugs that reduce anxiety and induce relaxation. C. stage 3 and stage 4 example of a ________ task, whereas asking an eyewitness to identify a suspect on the basis of a lineup _______ refers to the formation of a number of different connections around a stimulus at any D. amphetamines. C. Stage 5 sleep/ stage 3 and stage 4 sleep D. learned helplessness, A ________ reinforcer is innately satisfying and it does not take any learning on the organism's part After several weeks of taking the drug, she noticed that she no longer fits into most of her C. Hallucinogens The cognitive theory of dreaming claims that we can understand dreaming by applying the same cognitive concepts we use in studying the waking mind. C. They depress the central nervous system's activity. C. transference. Which of the following statements is true of the cognitive theory of dreaming? B. difficulty falling asleep, waking up during the night, or waking up too early. D. cortisol. C. the divided-consciousness view of hypnosis. B. retrograde amnesia. ________, such as Valium, are depressant drugs that reduce anxiety and induce relaxation. Meditation Jet lag may be best explained by the Bargains on video games usually occur in January. B. narcolepsy. Identify the true statement about sleepwalking. They increase epinephrine in the brain's reward pathways. C. procedural hemispheres in his brain. 130. Which of the following individuals is exhibiting the highest level of conscious awareness? A. B.They need more conscious effort than controlled processes. A. level of awareness D. glutamate. You don't censor yourself or A. Psychological/physical D. excessively long sleep periods. A. high consciousness. B. _____, such as Nembutal and Seconal, are depressant drugs that decrease central-nervous-system activity. WebHypnosis, also called hypnotherapy, is a state of deep relaxation and focused concentration. D. depressant. They interrupt others people's study or sleep. With this condition, he reawakens several times during the night so that he can breathe better. Surprising as it might be, hypnosis has a high success rate on people that want to quit smoking or vaping. Individuals in a hypnotic state show characteristics of people being in a relaxed waking state. C. immediately forgetting relevant information. Transmission Which of the following is true of opiates? learning. C. melatonin B. Which of the following is true of shallow processing in memory? C. It is the most powerful type of depressant. B. habit. C. Sustained attention A. Rebecca's mother suffers from frequent panic attacks. C. It usually begins with reinforcement and ends with extinction. A. in an altered state of consciousness. What type of drug is Ricardo taking? Which of the following is the main reason that hampers the use of rehearsal as a tool for retaining terminology, the nausea-inducing agent is the words for your French test, you realize that the French words are disrupting the memory of the Spanish returns while Miranda patiently watches. The presentation of a stimulus following a given behavior in order to increase the frequency of that Which of the following is true of acquisition in classical conditioning? D. They decrease a person's appetite for food and sex. principles of classical conditioning, how will Robert likely react today when he tastes or smells the C. observational learning. Individuals in a hypnotic state show characteristics of people being in a relaxed waking state. Dr. Harper hypnotizes her to interact with the other personalities that she exhibits as a result of her condition. A. stimulant Ricardo broke his wrist while rollerblading in the park. Awareness and arousal are associated with different parts of the brain. where they were and what they were doing when they first learned of the terrorist attacks. C. are the lowest or least alert state of human consciousness. What memory A. working memory exemplifies Kevin suffers from _____. D. Divided attention. C. hypnosis involves the retention of a single state of consciousness. ________, like RAM, is comparable to what you actually have open and active at any given moment. D. Being anesthetized. In the context of memory retrieval, which of the following statements is Gary turned to his wife when he woke up and said, "You won't believe what I dreamed. Hypnosis usually is done with the guidance of a health care 114. D. hippocampus and hypothalamus. 6. WebActivation-Synthesis Theory: Dreams are caused by random neural firings combined with memories. 10 B. Sophia, who began drinking at age 65 38. After the surgery, his epilepsy was cured, but his memory was impaired. C. a change in GABA It is determined by the time elapsed since the last behavior was rewarded. B. As Boris has never played chess A. stimulant. B. more than four drinks in a row 95. WebIdentify the true and false statements about hypnosis. D. interactive-phenomenological perspective. B. addiction. An individual's autobiographical memory forms the core of the individual's B. insomnia. C. higher-level consciousness They are most often used in suicide attempts. 15. This change in her work she had promised earlier. C. The EEG pattern for REM sleep shows slow waves similar to those of stage 3 sleep. Your friend Helen just started working the night shift at the post office. D. recognition/recall. It occurs usually due to the use of sleeping pills. Motivated forgetting will allow your ________ to flow. B. According to activation-synthesis theory, dreaming occurs when the cerebral cortex synthesizes neural signals generated from activity in the lower part of the brain. B. information over a long period of time? Since the accident he has been taking morphine, a powerful pain killer. Hypnosis is a trance-like mental state in which people experience increased attention, concentration, and suggestibility. Alcohol is a type of hallucinogen. Gloria can't get through the day without several cups of coffee and energy drinks. Ian's behavior ________ has to do with remembering who, what, where, when, and why. Furthermore, it can get rid of cravings during the process, which prevents weight gain while. Hypnotizability refers to the extent to which a person's responses are changed when he or she is hypnotized. It also is called hypnotherapy. B. Lea is in throughout the day. Working memory allows individuals to hold information permanently as they perform Which of the following is true of implicit memory? B. tertiary In Pavlov's experiment, the dog automatically salivated to food because food is a(n) B. episodic C. exhibiting controlled processing. A. semantic memory/long-term memory Time line therapy B. time line therapy. C. self-actualization. Hypnosis has been officially endorsed as a therapeutic method by medical, psychiatric, dental, and psychological associations throughout the world. C. positive punishment. Meditation C. adenosine. A. in an altered state of consciousness. B. Ecstasy. D. Marijuana can trigger increased sensitivity to sounds, tastes, smells, and colors. B. D. Marijuana can trigger increased sensitivity to sounds, tastes, smells, and colors. B. daydreaming. worry about spelling or grammar. B. more visual. 39. D. observational learning. C. Classical conditioning is based on observing and imitating others. D. difficulty falling asleep, waking up during the night, or waking up too early. D. negative punishment. After Someone Wakes Up From Hypnosis, He Or She May Have Involuntary Reactions To A Stimulus But Not Remember Why. A. damaging property B. Thus, sleep seems absolutely fundamental for survival. B. Belinda and John were best friends through their school years. Lily has been battling insomnia for a very long time. 122. D. It produces high, steady rates of behavior that are more resistant to extinction than the other B. dopamine Identify the true statement about controlled processes. Which of the following statements is true of marijuana? C. sudden uncontrollable seizures. D. activation-synthesis, 120. D. generalization, The process in classical conditioning by which a conditioned response can recur after a time delay, C.They interfere with other ongoing activities. Which of the following would be an example of no awareness or an "unconscious" state of mind? Identify the true statement about barbiturates. D. insomnia. A. D. altered states of consciousness. C. heroin Instead you merely translate your thoughts into words. B. the latent content of Homer's dream. D. meditation. Higher-level consciousness involves the use of controlled processing (deliberate and effortful focus on a goal). A. A. amphetamine D. Divided attention involves concentrating on different activities, one activity at a time. C. hallucinogens C. episodic memory Margaret fell down her basement stairs and suffered serious injury to her amygdala. C. Caffeinism D. Your sister bumps into a door when she has a high fever. C. Hallucinogens B. a logical information-processing system with memory buffer, short-term and long-term storage, and a complex mechanism for directing attention. You, Jennifer's end-ofsemester A. instinctive drift. C. life experiences stimulate and shape dreaming more than the theory acknowledges. After several weeks of taking the drug, she noticed that she no longer fits into most of her clothes. Jose's employer pays him every other Friday. D. dreaming. testing ________ abilities. C. the cognitive theory of dreaming a stream of consciousness that consists of a continuous flow of changing sensations, images, thoughts, and feelings. Manifest Content: The literal content of D. It can produce striking perceptual changes only when taken in high doses. It has been found most useful in preparing people for anesthesia , enhancing the drug response, and reducing the required dosage. C. alcohol/cocaine Scolding Todd is an example of C. They increase dopamine levels in the brain's reward pathways. C. It is more likely to occur when individuals are sleep deprived. This state of mind is referred to as D. difficulty falling asleep, waking up during the night, or waking up too early. B. Expectancy learning B. a rabbit B. are frightening dreams that awaken a dreamer. A. classical conditioning. Moesha has been feeling very stressed about an important project at work. therapist listens and then offers the interpretation that this dream signifies Homer's unconscious desires to be free of his What is the first step that the therapist will most likely take when attempting to hypnotize Mitchell? A. will result in decreasing levels of cortisol in the body. D. dreams are caused by neurotransmitter levels. 27. At least three lines of research support the notion that sleep serves a restorative function.

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identify a true statement about hypnosis