gene woodling obituary

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Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. Remove advertising from a memorial by sponsoring it for just $5. A star in his own right, he hit over .300 five times. Thanks for using Find a Grave, if you have any feedback we would love to hear from you. We had Allie Reynolds, Vic Raschi, Eddie Lopat, and Whitey Ford. Tutored by Lefty O'Doul, the Seals' manager, who had been a two-time National League batting champion, Woodling led the league in hitting with a .385 average. Granger Fairview Cemetery, Granger, OH, High School: Akron East HS (Akron, OH), Debut: We could all run. We have set your language to Muncie Evening Press from Muncie, Indiana Page 10 Search instead in Creative? During his senior year, East Highs swimming coach also became the baseball coach, so Gene was persuaded to try the diamond. In early 1945, the Navy organized two all-star teams to tour the western Pacific islands and entertain sailors and soldiers. In the eighth or ninth inning, I won ball games. in Akron, OH But when the season started, I sat on the bench all year. So you didnt say that to one of our ballplayers. Would you rather have a guy hit 40 home runs and drive in 110 runs, and his RBIs probably won you 10 or 11 ball games? He said, of course, the highlight of his career was the first lunar landing, July 1969. milton1971 | | Here is Marlene Woodling's obituary. He was an outstanding fielder despite the notorious sun in Yankee Stadium's left field. GREAT NEWS! Hank told him that one day. Harder, maybe." - Allie Reynolds in The October Twelve And you cant find the reasons why, because you try to hit everywhere. Gene Woodling. Eugene Richard Woodling (August 16, 1922 - June 2, 2001) won four minor league batting titles and was, in Hall of Fame manager Casey Stengel's opinion, the best left fielder he had ever managed. Anyone can read what you share. 1983 Card Collectors Company 1953 Bowman Black & White Reprint #31 Gene Woodling: $0.41: 1983 Topps Reprint 52 #99 Gene Woodling: $0.41: 1985 TCMA Playball 1947 #40 Gene Woodling: $0.58: 1988 Pacific Legends I/II #5 Gene Woodling: $0.34: 1989 Swell Baseball Greats #102 Gene Woodling: $0.26: Woodling credited swimming with helping him understanding the value of training in baseball. Are you sure that you want to report this flower to administrators as offensive or abusive? But down the lines dont mean nothing. Learn more about managing a memorial . Are you adding a grave photo that will fulfill this request? I never wanted to hear a ballplayer saying, 'Nice hustling.' Pete will truly be missed, it was a honor to be able to grow up as a family friend and be able to admire him as gentle, kind, considerate, intelligent human that he was. vs. CIN 2 AB, 0 H, 0 HR, 0 RBI, 0 SB, Rookie Status: Make sure that the file is a photo. Thats the nicest compliment I ever received from a great hitter. Born May 6, 1945 in Montgomery, he was the youngest son and the twelfth of thirteen children born to the late John S. and Edna P. (Metzger) Woodling. He was 78. John Kent Woodling Obituary OBITUARY John Kent Woodling April 11, 1926 - August 8, 2021 John Kent Woodling, age 95, of Whittier, California passed away on Sunday, August 8, 2021. Gene never forgave him.''. In addition to his wife, surviving are two children, Randy Woodling and wife Patricia of Muncy, and Vicki Woodling of Chicago, IL; two grandchildren, Rolland Woodling and wife Brittany, and Ryan Woodling and wife Joni; four great grandchildren, Keegan, Sophia, Mia and Francesca; and several nieces and nephews. He hit .309 for the 1952 Yankees and .306 the following season, and he had three home runs in World Series action. Casey was funny over there. Wed get a five-game lead, and Casey would platoon us. Everybody looks at batting averages, RBIs, and all that. Logos were compiled by the amazing Wed get down to a tie or one or two games ahead, wed play every day. The next week I started hitting! Truly a blessing. Youre supposed to run hard all the time. On November 17, 1954, a record 17-player deal took place between the Orioles and Yankees, involving Woodling, future 20-game winner Bob Turley and Don Larsen, who would go on to pitch a perfect game in the 1956 World Series for New York. Full-year historical Major League statistics provided by Pete Palmer and Gary Gillette of Hidden Game Sports. ; and two grandchildren. The recruit (as rookies were often called) led the Class D circuit with a .398 mark and made the All-Star team. things that made big impressions. Some high school data is courtesy David McWater. When I went back with my bat, I had to go down in that crouched stance. Woodling played with six teams during his career, the longest term of service being with the Yankees for six years and 698 of the 1,763 games played of his MLB career. For he and Millys 50th Anniversary he reminisced about fishing: Freshwater in 3 countries and 12 states including 16 man-made lakes in Texas and 12 varieties of fish; Saltwater in Gulf of Mexico (from Florida to Padre Island), Atlantic (from Virginia Beach to Florida Keys) and Pacific (from Alaska to Ixtapa, Mexico) including 8 varieties of fish and 2 varieties of crab; Most memorable were the unique, single, trips but also enjoyed the many picnic lunches on the lake with family and not catching a thing. Our reasoning for presenting offensive logos. Once I said that the Yankee uniform didn't make me a ballplayer. As manager of this memorial you can add or update the memorial using the Edit button below. He was so funny and I have such fond memories of him as I ran through your back yard going to play with friends on the other side of the street. Thank you for your prayers. Include gps location with grave photos where possible. Nobody hit with Williams, nobody. His baseball career was interrupted by his military service in the United States Navy during the Second World War. He could really play. Fixed: Release in which this issue/RFE has been fixed.The release containing this fix may be available for download as an Early Access Release or a General Availability Release. Born on May 2,. Glad you will be joining Milly. We have tools and resources that can help you use sports data. This flower has been reported and will not be visible while under review. The mets knowing Woodling a desire let him go free unless the Yankees gave something in a Trade. Do you have a sports website? And they had Feller, Early Wynn, Mike Garcia, and Bob Lemon. You knew who was going to pitch. This relationship is not possible based on lifespan dates. DiMaggio was a very determined guy, you know. It was a blessing to have both parents for many years. Watch our How-To Videos to Become a Stathead, Subscribe to Stathead and get access to more data than you can imagine. Yeah, Casey got a good view of me. It just happened, and against good pitching. This is a carousel with slides. "I think I hit about .900 against (Stengel's) club. But he wasnt as good a hitter as Williams. Thats what broke our streak. This memorial has been copied to your clipboard. TimesMachine is an exclusive benefit for home delivery and digital subscribers. He was one of the best first baseman ever, defensively. The One Who Got Away: Gene Woodling - PBN History - Pittsburgh Baseball gene woodling obituary | July 01 / 2022 | consumer math b unit 3 lesson 3consumer math b unit 3 lesson 3 I would have to say that was my biggest break there, going with San Francisco and [manager] Lefty ODoul. RONALD WOODLING OBITUARY Ronald Irvin Woodling, 78 of The Villages, Florida passed away on June 11th, 2017 after a long 2- 1/2 years of battling cancer. Browse 87 gene woodling stock photos and images available, or start a new search to explore more stock photos and images. Betty E. Woodling, age 92, formerly of Granger Township, passed away Wednesday, January 21, 2015 in Plano, Texas. You're supposed to do that." Did you ever see so many runs scored? Rest In Peace, Pete . In order to post comments, please make sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled, and reload the page. Gene Woodling Stats, Fantasy & News. This is my home, of course. The Lopez-Woodling trade occurred on December 7, 1946. He earned his doctorate in applied mathematics at the University of Toronto in Canada in 1942, then went to work as a research engineer for the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Pete received a degree in Physics from the College of William and Mary in 1950. Gene Woodling (1922-2001) - Find a Grave Memorial Hank Bauer - Wikipedia He returned to China in. And in our day with the Yankees, you never used the words, Nice hustle. That was an insult. Do you have a blog? Returning home, he went to spring training with Cleveland in Clearwater, Florida. I had three real good years for Baltimore. Join our linker program. Bernice H. Woodling | Obituaries | I hit exceptionally well in Cleveland Stadium when I was with Cleveland, and when I was against them. He would laugh as we towed the Chevy Suburban in on the weekend after we told him how we totally tore off another axle. The owner was great, and Seals Stadium was a beautiful ballpark. Obituary. The Yankees did nothing but win, so everything worked out great. Many thanks to him. Paul H. Woodling Jr. Obituary - Echovita His work at NACA was primarily associated with the stability and control studies of high speed aircraft. As Jerry Coleman, the Yankee infielder, remembered it: ''Casey was livid. He was the husband of Lorraine (Tamulis) Woodling with whom he shared 66 years of marriage. At Flint of the Class C Michigan State League, he paced the hitters with a .394 mark. trey lance draft class. He is known for 1949 World Series (1949), 1953 World Series (1953) and 1950 World Series (1950). Copyright 2021 Crowder Funeral Home. a privately run / non-commercial site in need of financial assistance. All images are property the copyright holder and are displayed here for informational purposes only. You need a Find a Grave account to continue. We specialize in selling high quality collectibles and memorabilia signed by Gene Woodling and guarantee all of our signatures are certified authentic. Year Team League; 1949: New York Yankees: AL: 1950: New York Yankees: AL: 1951: New York Yankees Joe DiMaggio was in center when we first went there, and then Mantle came. mountain news crime log 2021. are sports illustrated magazines worth keeping. In Yankee Stadium, theyd have been running in after the ball! I was born in Akron. cemeteries found within kilometers of your location will be saved to your photo volunteer list. I knew Pete a little bit professionally and liked him a lot. The Yankees offered three or four ballplayers, plus $100,000. Drag images here or select from your computer for Gene Woodling memorial. Betty was born May 22, 1922 in Parkersburg, W. Va. to the late George and Grace. In 1952, Woodling became the first player to pinch-hit a triple in the World Series. Woodling ended with a .386 on-base percentage and 1,585 career hits in 5,587 at bats. ''When I go to the ballpark it's all business to me, no nonsense,'' he said. Woodling would be managed by Stengel for the remainder of the 1962 season. What a blessed childhood we had! He began his professional career in 1940 at Mansfield of the Ohio State League. In his 17-season career, Woodling batted .284 with 147 home runs and 830 RBI in 1,796 games. I hit around .385, and the Yankees bought me. Playing alongside Joe DiMaggio and then Mickey Mantle, Woodling was among eight players who appeared in every victorious Yankee World Series from 1949 to 1953. And we went over there and won em both in their ballpark. The prices shown are the lowest prices available for Gene Woodling the last time we updated. Medina County Gazette Newspaper Archives | NewspaperArchive Mantle could have set unbelievable records. Mantles the only guy in baseball who could bunt one-hop to the pitcher and beat it out. I remember best about Pete what a joy it was working with him in the great manned space missions. Gene Woodling - Wikipedia Please accept Echovita's sincere condolences. This Month in Sports ReferenceFind out when we add a feature or make a change. If I remember right, he retired as a Divisional Chief of Training Division. Would I want to go back today? He and Milly worked joyfully to entertain family and friends at every opportunity, wherever they lived. Just a enjoyable person to be around what great times were had in Friendswood. New York: Macmillan Publishing, Ninth edition, 1993, and Baseball America, Inc. And we did. Born on May 2, 1930 at the family home in Reeders, he was a son of the late Charles and Elsie (Serfass) Woodling and was a lifetime resident of Monroe County. Win Expectancy, Run Expectancy, and Leverage Index calculations provided by Tom Tango of, and co-author of The Book: Playing the Percentages in Baseball. They used to call Hank and I the Gold Dust Twins. Some writer put that on us. He died on June 2, 2001 in Barberton, Ohio. Baseball may have gotten me in the door, he said, but I did a good job for these companies, and I worked for Eaton for years. St Louis Sporting News Archives, Oct 28, 1967, p. 24 More important, he impressed Casey Stengel, who was managing the Oakland Oaks. Please ensure you have given Find a Grave permission to access your location in your browser settings. But Woodling was remembered for one misadventure in left field, his dropping a fly ball hit by the Phillies' Andy Seminick with the Yankees one out away from sweeping Philadelphia in the 1950 World Series. Gene Woodling Autographed Memorabilia | Signed Photo, Jersey or don't show this againI am good at figuring things out. Edit a memorial you manage or suggest changes to the memorial manager. Share this memorial using social media sites or email. There is no such thing as a hitting coach teaching someone how to hit. Casey got a lot of publicity out of it, but the press overplayed that. But some teammates recalled him screaming at Stengel when his name was left off the lineup card. He was fun-loving and silly but serious when teaching his kids the importance of honesty, integrity, responsibility and fidelity. Please check your email and click on the link to activate your account. During the last eighteen years weve lived about as nice a life as a retired ballplayer could live. His education: East Community Learning Center High School. The family will gather for a small ceremony in honor of Pete and Milly on June 11, 2022. June 15 was trading deadline, and [manager] Paul Richards said, I better get you outta here before they kill you! So he traded me over to Cleveland. Right-center and left-center is where you hit most of the balls. gene woodling obituary In 2023, His Personal Year Number is 4. Woodling returned to the Indians along with Billy Cox from the Orioles for Dave Pope, Wally Westlake and cash before the trade deadline on June 15, 1955. Born: cemeteries found in Granger, Medina County, Ohio, USA will be saved to your photo volunteer list. George R. Woodling, 91, of Stroud Township, died Thursday, January 27, 2022, at home. [2] He excelled defensively, leading American League outfielders in fielding or tied for the lead four times, and never made more than three errors in a season during his tenure with the Yankees. This page was last edited on 24 June 2013, at 14:18. Gene Woodling - Baseball-Reference Thats pretty good pitching!. It was time for me to go home anyway., After baseball, Woodling was a sales representative for several companies, including Diebold, Dayton Lock, and Eaton Corporation. In the 1953 World Series, the Yankees beat the Dodgers in six games. Family and friends are welcome to leave their condolences on this memorial page and share them with the family. You can always change this later in your Account settings. Later I lost track of him. [1] Woodling also played for the Cleveland Indians, Pittsburgh Pirates, Baltimore Orioles, Washington Senators, and the New York Mets in their expansion year of 1962. High School Akron East High School Debut September 23, 1943 Final Game September 15, 1962 Born August 16, 1922 in Akron, OH USA Died June 2, 2001 in Barberton, OH USA BR page Biographical Information [ edit] 1952 Berk Ross Gene Woodling | PSA CardFacts update=copyright.getFullYear(); Died: June 2, 2001 at Barberton, O. Woodling's overall hitting skills compare very favorably with those of his Baltimore Orioles teammate, Bob Nieman, who played several fewer years. Gene Woodling, whose smooth batting swing and superb play in left field helped the Yankees win five consecutive World Series championships, died Saturday at a nursing home in Wadsworth, Ohio.. He had been more interested in swimming in high school since his older brother had been a national swimming champion. He was quite a character wasnt he? He earned the name "Old Faithful" because of his timely hitting. I wouldnt trade it for all the tea in China. We present them here for purely educational purposes. And I said I didn't care for the platoon system. Of course, Cleveland was always good competition, because of the pitching, you know. We had very similar careers, except that I played longer than Hank., Reflecting on his favorite World Series, Woodling observed, Theyre all a great thing. Averaging 394 at-bats per season, his five-year figures featured a .291 batting average, 66 runs scored, and 59 RBI, plus he led the league in on-base percentage in 1953 with a .429 mark. As Casey returned to the dugout, he imitated Gene staggering under the ball. While Woodling was with the Yankees, the team won five consecutive World Series (194953). Ranking Mickey Mantle with DiMaggio and Williams, Woodling concluded, You know, Mantle had the greatest ability of any guy who ever came to the big leagues in my time. Our reasoning for presenting offensive logos. Your Scrapbook is currently empty. - Gene Woodling, talking about his great year in 1948 playing with the San Francisco Seals and playing against Casey Stengel's championship Oakland Oaks in the year before Stengel became Yankee manager, "I never wanted to hear a ballplayer saying 'Nice hustling'. Logos were compiled by the amazing Medina County Gazette Newspaper Archives (1870-1979) Browse by Year 1870-1979 (46 years available). See: John was born April 11, 1926. He was signed by the Yankees after leading four different minor league teams in hitting. Flowers added to the memorial appear on the bottom of the memorial or here on the Flowers tab. If He says youre gonna hit, youll hit until youre 100. During that time, Yankee manager Casey Stengel praised the outfielder's ability to run and throw. Translation on Find a Grave is an ongoing project. He passed away on June 2, 2001. Gene recalled, Johnny Lindell hit the big home run. Then they traded me to Pittsburgh for Al Lopez. He batted .188 in 150 plate appearances for the Indians. Do you have a blog? I use an example. Try again later. We were friends for too many years to count. It was a wonderful childhood growing up next door to the Woodlings. Born in Ocala, Florida on June 12, 1922 she was a daughter of Joseph and Bertha (Jones) Usher. Pete retired from NASA in 1983. Both played in the Army-Navy Service World Series in Honolulu in September 1944. He recalled, I hit one off of Johnny Podres leading off to dead center. This represented the first World Series title in the franchise's history. Pete is survived by his children Kerry (Bob) Aguirre, Jo (Don) Leach, Steve (Megan) Woodling; Siblings Anna Mae Harpster and Alice Dimler; Nephews Jeff (Pam) Harpster, Tim (Vicki) Harpster, Jay Dimler and Jim (Bobbie) Sawyer; Niece Betsy (Jim) Baker; Eleven Grandchildren, thirteen Great Grandchildren, and three Great Great Grandchildren. Gene Woodling, who spent 17 seasons in the Major Leagues, died in June at the age of 78. Verify and try again. He didnt realize how good he was, is what Im trying to say. Called up to Pittsburgh in September, he hit .266 with 10 RBI in 22 games. And now [1997] youve got 30 teams.. ''I thought that was the way it was supposed to be. I enjoyed working With Pete in several task during the early days of NASA at Langley and after the move to Houston. Life path 2s are peacekeepers who aim to achieve balance, specifically when it comes to their relationships. He served in the United States Army during the Korean Conflict from 1952 to 1954. dmaith tv stand with led lights assembly instructions; casey stengel fox newskathryn newton robin newtonkathryn newton robin newton Gene Woodling had a .284 average over his career. He had a crowd of writers around him all the time. Gene Woodling - Stats - Batting | FanGraphs Baseball His 202 hits included 22 doubles, a league-leading 13 triples, 22 homers, and a career-best 107 RBI. We have tools and resources that can help you use sports data. John Woodling Obituary - Neptune Cremation Service Still, Cleveland scout Bill Bradley saw enough of Woodling to sign him. My condolences on the recent passing of your father as well as your mom. Please complete the captcha to let us know you are a real person. After three years at Cleveland, you know what happened? Gene Woodling prices (Baseball Cards 1988 Pacific Legends) are updated daily for each source listed above. I led every minor league I was in in hitting, Woodling recalled in 1997, and when I got to the big leagues, they said I couldnt hit. Pete received a degree in Physics from the College of William and Mary in 1950. Woodling led three minor leagues in hitting before making his debut with the Indians late in the 1943 season. (Please note: For some informations, we can only point to external links). copyright=new Date(); Woodling was 21 years old when he broke into the big leagues on September 23, 1943, with the Cleveland Indians. Also, his career statistics illustrate he had little problem handling the late-inning or big-game pressures: See, that was my key thing.

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